Impermanence, No Self, Suffering, Emptiness, and Nothing to Gain

Dharma discourse of Living Buddha Lian-sheng: In this world, ''nothing is important'' and
''nothing lasts forever.'' This is the Buddhist teaching of ''impermanence, no self, suffering, and emptiness.''
Ultimately, there is ''nothing to gain!'' This is ''everything that happens is arranged for the best!''
Shimu Lianxiang also remarked: We thank all TBS disciples for their concern. However,
''refraining from discussing the Root Guru's body'' is a precept
which should be followed by Vajrayana disciples.

【Master Shi Liandian reporting from Nantou, Translated by Henry Wolf, Edited by DJ Chang】
On May 7, 2016 at Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-shen Sheng-yen Lu presided over a White Lotus King homa, bestowed empowerment for the White Lotus King Uncommon Practice, and gave a dharma discourse on the Nine Stage Great Perfection Dharma (Dzogchen)

Prior to the homa, Master Shimu Lianxiang was respectfully asked to say a few words.
Shimu Lianxiang said: Today we are celebrating the birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha, Grandmaster's birthday, and Mother's Day. We should take this opportunity to thank Grandmaster for his teachings and guidance over the last six months. Lately, many fellow disciples have showed great concern for Grandmaster. I have also exerted my complete and utmost effort in taking care of Grandmaster without a thought for myself, leaving no stone unturned in my effort to care for him.

Right up to yesterday I and all of Grandmaster's entourage strongly urged Grandmaster to get more rest. But Grandmaster just replied ''we'll talk about it tomorrow.'' It was not until yesterday morning that Grandmaster finally answered us that he would definitely go to Lei Tsang Temple to see all his disciples?As Grandmaster said he was going to Lei Tsang Temple despite our pleading with him, we unconditionally respected Grandmaster's decision by following Grandmaster to the temple and by putting our utmost effort into guarding and supporting him.

On the internet, a great many disciples have been expressing constant concern over Grand Master's recent incident. Many, many disciples have been dedicating the merit of their practices and mantra chanting to Grandmaster. As of this moment TBF website (TBSN) has recorded in excess of 10 million recitations of the Amitayus Mantra.

Also on the internet, disciples have been commenting on and discussing Grandmaster's health issues. I know that everyone is extremely concerned and worried about Grandmaster. But there is a very important precept in Vajrayana Buddhism that ''Vajrayana disciples should not engage in discussion about the Root Guru's body.'' Disciples should follow this precept.

Following Shimu Lianxiang's remarks, Master Lianning, representing the True Buddha Foundation, Master Lianou, representing the Vajrayana Association of R.O.C, and Master Lianzhe, representing Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple, respectfully presented a ''conch,'' ''hadas,'' and monetary offerings to the Root Guru supplicating the Buddha to remain in the world and turn the dharmachakra! The entire assembly of disciples kneeled, clasped their hands in prayer, and sang the ''Supplication for the Buddha to Remain in the World.'' Many disciples shed heartfelt tears while supplicating the Buddha to remain in the world, enjoy long life and good health, and continue to turn the dharmachakra. It was a solemn and touching sight!

Following the homa, Living Buddha Lian-sheng thanked all the participants for coming to today's White Lotus King Ceremony. Grandmaster then spoke about what he has learned over the last two months. Originally, Grandmaster did not take the problem of beriberi in his foot seriously. Although as of today his foot has completely recovered, this unexpected incident was a profound reminder to Grandmaster of ''impermanence.''

Grandmaster expressed his thanks and gratitude to all those who helped him in course of his treatment; his primary physician Dr. Zheng Senlong, Dr. Cao of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Dr. Lu, the cardiologist, the radiologist, Head Nurse Lu, dharma sister Xu Yaqi who took care of admission and discharge procedures for Grandmaster, and his entourage who looked after him. Grandmaster's entourage included, among others, Master Lianxu, Master Huijun, Master Lianya, and Master Liandian. (Reporter note: Master Lianning, Reverend Lianzeng, Reverend Lily, and Dharma Sister Hanifa, etc. were also in the entourage.)

This time was an experience of profound realization! I was really greatly affected in all kinds of ways by the prescribed medication I took for my condition. But today, what I have truly realized above all else is that ''nothing is really important!'' ''There is nothing in this world whatsoever that matters at all!'' This is because ultimately, everything is emptiness. In the teaching of the Great Perfection this is the ''empty nature.'' In this world, ''nothing is important'' and there is nothing which makes me reluctant to leave. This is the ''impermanence,'' ''no self,'' ''suffering,'' and ''emptiness'' taught in the buddhadharma. Ultimately ''there is nothing to gain!''

Grandmaster expressed special thanks and gratitude to Earth Mother, who gave Grandmaster a cup of water last night which allowed Grandmaster to get a good night's sleep. Grandmaster slept soundly and very deeply. The reason for this help is quite extraordinary. Many years ago Living Buddha Lian-sheng presented Bodhi Lei Tsang Temple a statue of Earth Mother. Today, Earth Mother paid back this ''cause'' by giving Grandmaster water. So we must remember to not neglect doing small good deeds. I am truly grateful.

Living Buddha Lian-sheng also realized that when the consciousness of a person has dissipated right to the borderline of death where one is neither living nor dead, the person will realize at that moment that all the social position and fame of this world is of no importance whatsoever. It turns out that the suffering undergone by sentient beings is so painful! Practitioners must remember to keep strong faith when on the verge of death. Practitioners should ask for the blessings and protection of the Three Roots and follow the personal deity as soon as the personal deity appears because there is nothing in this world that is worth remaining for.

The essence of the spirit we learn from the bodhisattvas is to go forth and be of benefit to sentient beings, to go and personally experience the suffering of sickness. One will then be able to ''generate bodhicitta.'' It's through the ''exchange of self with others'' that ''bodhicitta'' will arise!

One overcomes afflictions by applying the remedy of ''emptiness.'' As a result, afflictions are of no importance! ''Who said what about whom'' is also of no importance. Who loves whom? Not important! Who despises whom? Not important! Fame and fortune...neither one is of any importance. What is of importance when one's life is depending on intravenous drips? When one severely collapses, one will discover that nothing is important. The one and only thing that's important is the knowledge of how to attain rebirth in the Pure Land. From this ''best arrangement'' I've experienced this time I have realized ''the juncture of life and death.''

Regarding future propagation of the True Buddha School dharma, I hope the buddhadharma will continue to spread and be passed down. I am asking Master Lianning to be my successor, Master Lianyue to be the successor in second place, and Master Liandian to be the Chief Executive Officer.

I have also invited Shimu to assemble those good masters who have a sense of justice to act as ''supervisors'' so that the True Buddha Foundation will keep on the right track and masters will not become undisciplined.

Living Buddha Lian-sheng once more expressed his gratitude for all causes. This is a nice arrangement!
I hope that from today everyone will realize the suffering of the human world, the willy-nilly-ness of sentient beings, and the sorrow of myriad kinds of suffering. In this way, one will develop bodhicitta.

White Lotus King has mantra, image and mudra. Every Padmakumara must learn to appreciate sentient beings. All the deities have generated bodhicitta and therefore so must each disciple because bodhicitta is the very heart of the buddhadharma!

Following the discourse, Grandmaster and Shimu were respectfully asked to cut the cake in celebration of Shakymuni's birthday and Mother's Day. At this time we also gave our best wishes for Grandmaster and Shimu to have peace and health, long life, to stay in the world a long time, and for the Buddha to remain in the world a long time.

Living Buddha Lian-sheng then used his supreme dharma power to bless the shrine one more time and bestowed the White Lotus King Uncommon Practice upon more than 20,000 devotees.

Video link:


The total count of the Amitayus mantra chanting has already passed 12M. Everyone please continue to chant the mantra and dedicate the merit. Let's guard Guru Buddha with love!
True Buddha School (TBS) cultivation venues worldwide and all TBS disciples please specially dedicate the merit of their dharma activities (such as group practices, ceremonies, sutra recitation, mantra chanting, etc.) to our Root Guru for his health, longevity, and continuously staying in the world.
The TBSN web address to record the mantra recitation is
Let's chant the mantra with the most sincere mind and dedicate the merit together!
Let's transform our collective mind power to become the strongest blessings!
Living Buddha Lian-sheng reciting Amitayus Mantra video:

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。