Excellent disciple from Hong Kong Cultivates the Dharma with Extraordinary Perseverance and Is Indee

Excellent disciple from Hong Kong Cultivates the Dharma with Extraordinary Perseverance and Is Indeed Commendable

Reported By: Nking

In general, it is very rare for someone who lives a life in glory, magnificence, and top luxury to devote himself or herself to practicing Buddhism. However, an individual who was born in a rich family in Hong Kong, like Lianhua Yun-Yi (蓮花韻怡), just stands out as an exception.

Based on Grand Madam Shi Mu (Master Lian Xiang), Lianhua Yun-Yi (蓮花韻怡) has never touched the kitchen or deal with any housework for the entire 50 years of her marriage. All the household chores are being taken care of by many different maids. Having been enjoying her tremendous wealth and luxury, she is also deeply engrossed in cultivation. Lianhua Yun-Yi (蓮花韻怡) has taken the refuge for over 20 years and she has been diligently doing her cultivation since then. Nothing can shake her faith. And she has solid determination of pursuiting great Dharma from Grand Master Sheng-Yen Lu.

Grand Madam Shi Mu says, \”Once I met the husband of Lianhua Yun-Yi (蓮花韻怡), Lei Shi Xiong. He was on his way to California, but still he stopped by Seattle for a special visit to Grand Master. When talking about his wife, Lei Shi Xiong mentioned to me, ’My wife is extremely busy with her business. Every morning after her make-up and dress up, she will head immediately to the temple and do her cultivation. Not only that, she even stays in the temple in the afternoon and in the evening. Even though she doesn’t have to do any household chores, she would spend a whole day reading books from Grand Master or practicing True Buddha Tantric Dharma! Besides, Lianhua Yun-Yi (蓮花韻怡) often tirelessly helps many True Buddha temples and chapters by providing support and sponsoring all kinds of religious affairs and events.

On March 22, 2013, accompanied by Master Lianhua Chang Zhi, Lianhua Yun-Yi (蓮花韻怡) and her daughter came to Taiwan to visit Grand Master and Grand Shi Mu. Not only did they receive blessing from Grand Master Living Buddha Lian-Sheng [Sheng-Yen Lu], they also had the warmest greeting from Grand Madam Shi Mu. Both Grand Master Sheng-Yen Lu and Grand Madam Shi Mu are always happy to encourage True Buddha disciples who are diligent in cultivation and have firm determination. Grand Master also mentioned that even though she is an aged lady, but she often uses dancing as a way to exercise and taking care of her health really well.

The main reason that Lianhua Yun-Yi (蓮花韻怡) came to Taiwan this time is to tell Grand Master and Grand Madam Shi Mu the good news: her daughter Lianhua Cui-Hua (蓮花翠華) has been trying to get a Chinese Visa for over 10 years, but she always got rejected. However, right after she received the blessing from Grand Master last month, she surprisingly got the Chinese visa with approval. Lianhua Cui-Hua (蓮花翠華) felt overjoyed. She deeply believed that the blessing from Grand Master is powerful and unbelievable. She was also very grateful for the great blessing that the compassionate Grand Master had bestowed onto her.

During this entire journey, Lianhua Yun-Yi (蓮花韻怡) and her daughter expressed great honor to Grand Master Sheng-Yen Lu and Grand Madam Shi Mu, and always listened in respectful silence. They frequently nodded heads and smiled all the time. Their deep gratitude was obviously shown in their behavior. With the warmest love from Grand Master and Grand Madam Shi Mu, an unforgettable and meaningful night had just come to pass!

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