【TBSN Pictorial Drawing Video】《Please Raise the Banner of Faith in the Wake of an Epidemic Outbreak!

【TBSN Pictorial Drawing Video】《Please Raise the Banner of Faith in the Wake of an Epidemic Outbreak!》

In His Holiness Root Lineage Guru Grandmaster Living Buddha Lian-Sheng`s 173rd book entitled 《One Dream, One World》, in the chapter on 《The Banner of Faith》, he depicts a True Buddha disciple who averted a tragedy in the mids of an epidemic outbreak -because of his Pure Faith in the Root Lineage Guru, Grand Master Lian-Sheng.

The short video is presented in the form of a series of still-frame pictorial drawings complemented with video and audio effects, which in turn enhance the liveliness of the short video drama.

The contents would impact the viewer`s mind retrospectively. Be it that all persons of concern be alleviated considerably of the perils of the epidemic, under the Dharma-empowered blessing bestowed upon by our Root Lineage Guru turning all misfortune into blessing!

Pictorial illustration by: Lianhua Yue-Tsin (Icy-Fruit)

Video production by: LGS

Direct link to the video:


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