On Sunday, Apr. 27, 2025, 3:00 PM, at Rainbow Temple, True Buddha School Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu will preside over a Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes Homa Ceremony, discourse Surangama Sutra, and bestow empowerment for Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes Uncommon Practice. (Live Webcast Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLl20r-KQlapX_5fT-N3cOw)
【Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes Mudra:】

Interlace the fingers of both hands outwards keeping the two middle fingers upright. The middle of the mudra represents the Golden Mother. Her hands and eyes are to the side.
【Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes Seed Syllable:】

【Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes Mantra:】
「 Om。jin-mu-sid-dhi。da-mo。seh。」
【Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes Dharmalakṣaṇa Introduction:】

【Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu Dharma Discourse - Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes Background and Key Cultivation Formula:】
Golden Mother has Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes. She also has 10 billion emanations.
The middle of the mudra of the Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes represents the Golden Mother. Her infinite hands and eyes are to the side.
Her mantra, “Om, jin-mu-sid-dhi, da-mo, seh”, represents purification of speech, her mudra represents purification of body, and visualization of Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes represents purification of mind. Therefore, one’s visualization represents purification of body speech, and mind. The purpose of cultivation, after all, is purification of body, speech, and mind.
The image of the Great Celestially Venerated Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes transforms from the mantra syllable “Seh.” The core part of the practice is visualization, mantra recitation, forming the mudra, and entering samadhi.
One first performs the Great Homage, the Mandala Offering, the Fourfold Refuge and Repentance. After emerging from Samadhi, one concludes the practice by dedicating the merit, reciting the praise verse, performing the Great Homage, and exiting the shrine. This constitutes the full sadhana.
Golden Mother’s infinite hands benefit all TBS disciples. Her infinite eyes respond to and save those who are suffering. Today, there is a very powerful wealth deity, Padmakumara, the Great Fortune Vajra. Since relying on Golden Mother of the Jade Pond, all my wishes have been fulfilled.
By praying to Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes, all one’s wishes will come true. One can pray to her to perfectly fulfill all one’s wishes for sentient beings, and at the same time, the wealth deity will pay a visit to one's home.
Jan. 8, 2023 HH Living Buddha Lian-sheng Discourse on Golden Mother with Infinite Hands and Eyes
!!Please be aware that before engaging in any True Buddha Vajrayana practices, one must first take refuge and receive the respective empowerment.!!
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