

A Detailed Exposition of the Vimalakirti Sutra 

by Grandmaster Lu, Living Buddha Lian Sheng of the True Buddha School 

Translated into English by the True Buddha School Vimalakirti Translation Team 

Discourse 12, 26 June 2022 - Chapter One—Buddhaverse (Continued)  


Chapter One—Buddhaverse [1]

Thus have I heard: At one time, the Buddha was in the Amra Garden near the city of Vaisali, accompanied by eight thousand great bhikkus, thirty-two thousand bodhisattvas, and the assembly of virtuous and knowledgeable spiritual practitioners.

Their attainments of the great wisdom and fundamental conduct were solely due to the divine might of the buddhas. Together they formed a dharma-protecting fortress to uphold the true dharma. Their lion’s roar resounded throughout all ten directions. They took the initiative to deliver sentient beings and felt at ease in any situation.

They relentlessly hoisted the Three Jewels with grandeur, and subdued maras[2] and all the heretics on deviant paths. They had been completely purified and eternally freed from all obscurations and entanglements. Their minds were in a constant state of unhindered liberation, and with stable minds, they engaged in debates with eloquence.



We will now talk about the Vimalakirti Sutra on Their minds were in a constant state of unhindered liberation…


I remember seeing calligraphy by the Dharma Drum Mountain Monastery’s Master Sheng Yen hung at the EVA Air VIP Lounge. He wrote, “Peace of mind brings peace in life.” What he wrote is true.


A peaceful mind is likened to a mind in a constant state of unhindered liberation. The question is, how do you attain such peace of mind? The verse seems very simple, yet, how can you pacify your mind so it is at peace?


The second Zen Patriarch, Hui Ke, went to see the first patriarch, Bodhidharma, and said, “My mind is not at peace.” Bodhidharma told him, “Hand over your mind to me, and I will help you pacify it.” Hui Ke then responded, “I cannot seem to find my mind,” to which Bodhidharma remarked, “I have pacified your mind!” When you have no mind, you have peace of mind. When you still have a mind, you won’t have peace of mind.


In True Buddha School, there is an extremely wealthy disciple who often sends faxes asking for blessings. He said his troubles are like waterfalls—endless! He is filthy rich—so very rich! Yet, his worries are like waterfalls! He has no peace of mind; why? He has a great deal of afflictions. As he has too much money, he worries about how he should invest it. After deciding to invest in an apartment, he is troubled about finding tenants. After he finds some tenants, he is afraid that they are bad tenants who won’t pay rent.


He has so many investments and worries about every one of them. For instance, if he invests in ten things, he will have ten kinds of afflictions. If he has 100 or 1000 investments, he’ll have that many more afflictions. His troubles are endless.


In addition, he is also worried about his son, daughter, their health, and the grandkids… What will the children do when they grow up? What are they suitable for? What will they do at what age? What kind of wife will they marry? From which country and which nationality? Where will they marry? Will they be happy or end up in a divorce? What will happen to them? And on and on… These are only the worries regarding his son. He has yet to worry about his daughter—who will she marry? What will she look like in the future? What will her health be like? The worries are endless… Just having a son and a daughter already makes you so worried and afflicted. What about the grandson? Now you are worried about your grandson too! Will the kids have grandchildren if they get married? Worrying once again…


Human minds are not at peace. The great bhikkus and great bodhisattvas always have their minds in a constant state of unhindered liberation. They have peace of mind. When they have no mind, they have peace of mind. Without any afflictions, they are safe and sound. Everyone understands this phrase, right?


As for me, I am not afflicted about anything. What is there to worry about? During this pandemic, if you are destined to get COVID-19, you will get it. Or vice versa, if you are not, then you won’t. Those who are fated to die will die, and those who are not fated to die will not die. What will be will be! So let it be, there is nothing to worry about. This is how I am. I have no afflictions. What else do you expect?


Fo-Ching and Fo-Chi have their own homes now. Occasionally, they come to see us on their birthdays, when we need their help, or just our daughter might drop by from time to time. They live with their own families and have their own afflictions. We just show we care and share our concerns sometimes; say if someone is sick, then we suggest that they should see a doctor. We do what we’ve got to do. The grandchildren don’t come as often. Jaden and Gin are not typical Taiwanese grandchildren. When they see me, they just say “Hi!” They don’t even greet me, “Grandpa!” Only when Shimu urges them, will they address me as grandpa. That’s how it is.


Jaden (Lu Hong) is eighteen now, and he is going to study in California. Grandmaster holds no opinion. You may ask, aren’t you worried about the safety in California? It is not safe there. They have droughts there, and it is very hot too. Well, it’s okay. If it’s too hot, he can just wear swimming trunks [laughter]. He will live on campus and have room and board taken care of. What if he’s not used to the food there? Well, it doesn’t matter. It’ll all be taken care of somehow. I am not worried.


How about Gin (Lu Jun)? She’s wearing shorter and shorter skirts now, learning from her mom. So, will she be in danger wearing such small skirts? What if she encounters a lecher? An ordinary grandpa may be worried, especially when she is quite attractive—and in a miniskirt. But I am not afflicted by it, as I know she has her own fate and destiny. I don’t care!


Thus, my mind is not on the children and grandchildren. My mind is not on doing anything other than following my own destiny to do what I am supposed to do and, thereafter, just letting nature take its course. My mind is always in a constant state of unhindered liberation—immovable.


When problems arise, there are people responsible for them. If we can help, we help. Other than that, it is none of my concern. Is there a need for us to educate [the grandchildren]? No, because they have their own parents. In such a case, will there be any afflictions at all? None. In this way, your mind will be in constant mindful abiding. You have no mind.


I often write, “Everything is in the best arrangement.” It’s all just perfect.


Recently, we made some reforms at the Seattle Lei Tsang Temple (Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple). It’s perfect and everything has gone well. The new president, manager, secretary, and accountant are all responsible people. Rev. Lian Ming, who studied culinary arts, oversees the kitchen, so it is very suitable. He does a good job and the whole kitchen has improved. The food is delicious. The change in the board of directors has been going smoothly. The dormitories are being cleaned up, and everything seems to be going well. Are there any difficulties? [Someone replies,] No difficulties. That’s good; now we can have peace of mind.


The Seattle temple is doing better, transitioning from the old board to the new board with responsible members. The manager—capable of Bajiquan martial arts—is very righteous. He is suitable for the position since he is capable of fighting. The kitchen also has a very appropriate person. Oh right, and you, the president, is good at repairs. You can patrol all nine dormitories all day long and repair whatever is breaking down. This is fantastic. Also, our accountant is very meticulous and serious in her work. Excellent! 


The temple secretary is very special; he does things straight by the book and doesn’t bend the rules. He does not go sideways, nor does he take a slight right or left. He just goes straight ahead. He also knows English very well and can assist with English documentation. The group of four [president, manager, secretary, and accountant] makes an amazing team! Now you also have a system in place. And there is also the assistant. So wonderful! You can ask her to tackle workers who don’t show up for work, and they would listen to her since she’s much more assertive than the workers. [laughter] 


This is how you can have peace of mind. Now, let’s look at the Rainbow Lei Tsang Temple. [Master] Lian Yan and Lian Xi are extremely powerful. Lian Qin understands English and helps a lot. As for the Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple, we have Master Lian Zhe, a very upright and honest person, as its president. There are many more disciples who have been very helpful. These three temples are closest to Grandmaster, and they are all doing fine. Therefore, I have peace of mind.


Grandmaster has no afflictions at home nor at the temples. Nothing to worry about! I don’t worry about my dharma work as well. I just do my own work every day. I have no impediment whatsoever. Without any hindrances, of course, I am liberated. You won’t be liberated if you still have hindrances and obscurations. You are bound by whatever you desire. 


Remember: Whatever you seek, expect, or desire in your heart will hold you in bondage! You won’t be unhindered and liberated. The only way for unhindered liberation is to ask for nothing.


Wang Anshi[3] once wrote a very famous poem:

Knowing that life is a dream, nothing is sought,

the mind, emptied of desires, is the most serene.

Yet, live the dream and follow its course,

to gain dream merits of a grain of river sand. 


It’s a good idea to recite this poem frequently. It is about seeking nothing, asking nothing, expecting nothing. If you have nothing to ask for, then you can be in a constant state of unhindered liberation. If you still have something to desire, you will never be liberated.


Grandmaster has nothing to ask for, not about the children, grandchildren, spouse, or the future. I do not expect anything, not fame, profit, or anything. Now, I am just living the dream and following its course. Let nature take its course, and everything is fine. This is peace of mind. 


Remember to always have a mind in a constant state of unhindered liberation. Live the “dream” with constant mindfulness. With no-mind, you do not think of anything, and you do not seek anything. Your mind is empty. Nothing matters. Just let it be. Now, do you understand? 


That’s all for today. Om mani padme hum.


[1] Buddhaverse or buddha universe, is a novel and very appropriate term coined by Dr. Robert Thurman for 佛國, which has normally been translated as buddhaland, buddha-field, buddha realm, or buddha world from the Sanskrit word "buddhaksetra".

[2] Mara is anything that impedes your wisdom life. 

[3] Wang Anshi was a Chinese economist, philosopher, poet, and politician during the Song dynasty. 

Next discourse on the Vimalakirti Sutra: Discourse 13, 2 July 2022 - Chapter One—Buddhaverse (Continued)

Previous discourse on the Vimalakirti Sutra: Discourse 11, 25 June 2022 - Chapter One—Buddhaverse (Continued)

Index of links to all discourse on the Vimalakirti Sutra: https://en.tbsn.org/guidem/detail/2975/ 

Back to the main index page of all dharma discourse: https://en.tbsn.org/guidem/index   

Full webcast of 2022.06.26 Sitatapatra Homa Ceremony (Rainbow Temple, North Bend, USA) and dharma discourse with English interpretation: https://youtu.be/wY8QTpSAorg 

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