Grand Master Bestowed Vajra Master Lian Ha (蓮訶上師)

June 24, 2009, at True Buddha Quarter, Root Guru His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-Sheng bestowed Lian Hua Doctor Liang Yong (蓮花梁勇博士) from Brazil Zen-Ti Temple (真諦雷藏寺) as the Vajra Master Lian Ha (金剛阿闍梨蓮訶上師), and awarded Maha Orange Padmakumara Master Lian Ha (橙蓮花童子蓮訶上師) a dragon vest. Master Lian Ha received his monkhood ordination from Grand Master back in June 7, 2009.

Master Lian Ha has been servicing at Zen-Ti Temple for years; he has been very responsible in pushing out the Bodhi business, and his performance is outstanding. In addition, Master Lian Ha has been practicing diligently the dharmas taught by Grand Master. Master Lian Ha received approval and appreciation from Grand Master, and affection from all the disciples.

True Buddha Foundation is hoping Master Lian Ha will always remember his original heart (vows); on his Bodhi path, widely advocating the True Buddha Dharma in Brazil and to take on the responsibilities of spreading dharma, save and protect all sentient beings, and to continue the True Buddha Dharma Lineage.

From World True Buddha Foundation Committee Sincerely
June 24, 2009

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