Maha Mayuri Yoga Sadhana or Procedure

Maha Mayuri Vidyarajni Sadhana

Begin by praying for the root lineage blessing: First empty the mind. Next, visualize the Root Guru appearing above your crown and radiating light on everyone present. Chant the Root Guru Heart Mantra 7 times. Pray to the Root Guru to empower you so that the sadhana will be auspicious.

Engender the Four Immeasurable Minds. Visualize your parents, children, relatives, friends, and enemies joining you in this practice.

Wake Up Call: Clap twice, then cross the hands, and snap the thumbs and middle fingers.

1. Recite the Purification Mantras and Earth God Mantra
2. Recite the Invocation Mantra
Om ah hum, so-ha. (3 times)

We sincerely invoke:
Namo Root Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng,
Namo White Maha Padmakumara,
Namo Lotus Light Unhindered Buddha, (a.k.a Lotus Light Self-Mastery Buddha)
Namo the lineage gurus of True Buddha School,
Namo Maha Mayuri.

(Herein, each local chapter may invoke the buddhas, bodhisattvas and dharma protectors enshrined at its altar accordingly. When practicing at home, you may invoke the deities present at your shrine.)

Namo all Buddhas of the Ten Directions and Three Times,
Namo all Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas,
Namo Maha Prajna Paramita.

3. Great Homage Using Visualization
4. Mandala Offering
5. Chant the Fourfold Refuge (3 times)
Namo Guru Bei, Namo Maha Mayuri, Namo the Maha Mayuri Sutra, Namo the Retinue of the Maha Mayuri Assembly.

6. Armor Protection
7. Recite the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra
8. Recite the Rebirth Mantra (7 times)
9. Recite the Four Immeasurable Vows

May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness; this is immeasurable loving-kindness.
May all beings be liberated from suffering and the causes of suffering; this is immeasurable compassion.
May all beings be free of suffering and always be happy; this is immeasurable joy.
May all beings be free of grasping and aversion and practice equality; this is immeasurable equanimity.

10. Recite the Root Guru (Padmakumara) Heart Mantra (108 times)
Om Guru, Lian-sheng, Siddhi, Hum
11. Mudra and Visualization

Mudra: Mahamayuri Mudra (Internal Handclasp Mudra): First, form the internal handclasp mudra in front of your chest, then bring the two little fingers and thumbs close together as illustrated in the picture on the left. The thumbs represent the head of the peacock, the little fingers represent the tail feathers of the peacock, and the middle part represents the body of the peacock.

tbsn tbsn tbsn
Syllable YU
Syllable BAM
Syllable MO

Visualization: First empty the mind.
Chant the Emptiness Mantra:
Om, si-ba-wa, su-da, sa-er-wa, da-er-ma, si-ba-wa, su-do-hang. (3 times)

(1) Above an expanse of ocean is a stretch of clear sunny sky. A fan of peacock tail feathers appears in the sky, and in the center of the fan, a white seed syllable ``YU`` appears which then transforms into a golden peacock king.
(2) From the back of the peacock king, a white seed syllable ``BAM`` manifests and then transforms into a white lotus.
(3) Above the white lotus, a gold or white seed syllable ``MO``begins to rotate and transforms into a gold-colored, white-colored, or gold-and-white colored Four-Armed Maha Mayuri. Four-Armed Maha Mayuri wears a Five-Buddha Crown, with a white lotus in her first right hand, and a red bijapura (a citron) in her second right hand. Maha Mayuri holds a yellow auspicious fruit in her first left hand, and a peacock feather in her second left hand.
(4) From the third eye chakra (or brow point) of Maha Mayuri, visualize a beam of white light shining onto your third eye chakra. From the throat of Maha Mayuri, a beam of red light shines onto your throat. From the heart chakra of Maha Mayuri, a beam of blue light shines onto your heart chakra. The three lights merge completely into your body and mind.

12. Recite the Maha Mayuri Mantra
Visualization: Use both hands to hold the mala beads in front of your chest and move each bead with the thumb during chanting. Visualize the left hand transforming into a vajra bell and the right hand transforming into a vajra scepter. The mother bead or emblem transforms into a multiple-jeweled stupa, and the four ``divider beads`` transform into the Four Heavenly Kings. The tassel transforms into a ``lotus hand`` while the string that threads through the beads transforms into Vajrasattva`s white light, in the form of a circle. During mantra chanting, as each bead is moved, visualize each bead turning into Maha Mayuri, who then appears in front of you.

Chant the Mantra: Om, mo-yu-li, ge-la-di, so-ha. (108 times)

13. Entering Samadhi
(Nine Cycle Breathing, Entering of the Deity into Oneself and Release of Oneself into the Cosmic Consciousness [or Ruwo-Woru visualization], Breath Counting)
14. Emerging from Samadhi
Praise Verse:

Lord Buddha, the great compassionate one,
Your dharmakaya is endowed with the tranquility of nirvana.
Your power and abilities are boundless,
And all of your merits and virtues are perfect.

15. Recite the Principal Heart Mantras
16. Recite the Buddha`s Name (3 times)
17. Dedication

May our country be secure and strong,
May my body and mind be at peace,
May everything transform into the Buddha-field.
The Buddha-dharma is boundless.

May all who uphold the name of Amitabha Buddha,
Be born together in the Pure Land of His Western Paradise,
Repaying the Fourfold Generosity from above,
And aiding those who suffer in the Three Paths below.
Upon seeing the Buddha,
May I be liberated from the cycle of birth and death,
And may I develop the qualities of Buddhahood,
And thus free all who suffer.

I, ________ (your name), dedicate the merits of this practice to the Root Guru. May the Root Guru always be healthy, remain in samsara, never enter nirvana, and forever turn the dharma wheel. May everyone be healthy, free of hindrances, strong in cultivation, and may all circumstances become auspicious.

Use your vajra scepter to draw a circle three times in the space above you and visualize that you are drawing a blazing circle of fire. Then say:

``May all supplications be completely fulfilled. May all hindrances be removed.``

Visualize a patch of darkness in front of you (symbolizing negative forces). Then raise the vajra scepter, point it towards the patch of darkness, and ring the vajra bell while shouting:


As you shout ``Wun,`` visualize the darkness retreating and in its place are two vajra scepters in the form of a cross appearing above a lotus flower, surrounded by the blazing circle of fire. The crossed vajra scepters represent strength, while the lotus flower itself represents wisdom. The crossed vajra scepters above a lotus represent protection and defeat of the negative forces. The blazing light signifies totality and completion. With this visualization of the crossed vajra scepters, lotus flower, and blazing circle of fire, all negatives forces will retreat.

(detailed visualization from page 165 of A Complete and Detailed Exposition on the True Buddha Tantric Dharma)

18. Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra (3 times)
19. Great Homage Using Visualization
20. Recite the Completion Mantra
Om, bu lin. (3 times)

Om Mani Padme Hum.

Dismissal: Clap twice, then cross the hands, and snap the thumbs and middle fingers.
End of Practice: May all endeavors be auspicious.


At the earnest request of multitude of devotees, True Buddha Foundation has collated ``The Sadhana of Maha Mayuri Deity Yoga`` through the consent of the Lineage Root Guru, Grand Master. All are welcomed to download and treasure the unique affinity for the Dharma. All are to forge ahead vigorously and practice assiduously, so that we will attain to the fruition of the Dharma within a short time. (This Sadhana is reserved for the ones who have taken refuge with Grand Master and were empowered personally beforehand by Him).

(Please note: translation of the English version of the Sadhana is still in progress)

Downloading web site link(in Chinese only):

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