True Buddha Foundation Notification
TBF-Award Notice 0010
On February 19, 2025, at the True Buddha Foundation (TBF), His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-sheng personally inscribed two calligraphic works and awarded them to cultivation venues which met the standards of 2024 Outstanding Cultivation Venue.
The original calligraphy is as follows:
2024 Outstanding Cultivation Venue
The Dharma nature is inherently complete, Purifying and propagating far and wide
Sheng-Yen Lu (seal inscription)
2024 Excellent Cultivation Venue
Compassionately saving sentient beings equally,
Spreading the Dharma widely in the Saha world.
Sheng-Yen Lu (seal inscription)
Inspired by the compassionate encouragement of the Guru Buddha, the True Buddha Cultivation Venue Excellence Program initiated by TBF continues to flourish. In 2024, one cultivation venue was honored as Outstanding, while 33 venues achieved Excellent status. Last year, evaluation standards were significantly elevated, and nearly 200 cultivation venues worldwide actively engaged in the program. This widespread participation indicates a high level of unity within TBS and demonstrates a strong commitment to effectively guiding sentient beings while enhancing the quality of Dharma propagation.
The Guru Buddha earnestly hopes that all True Buddha cultivation venues will strictly uphold the lineage, taking pure Dharma nature as the foundation and compassionate salvation as their practice. By widely propagating the True Buddha Tantric Dharma, cultivation venues lead countless sentient beings to enlightenment and rebirth in Maha Twin Lotus Ponds in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.
With the encouragement and blessings of His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-sheng, TBF has respectfully presented an original work of calligraphy personally inscribed by the Guru Buddha to the 2024 True Buddha Outstanding Cultivation Venue. Additionally, 33 exquisite reproductions of the calligraphy have been prepared and bestowed upon the 2024 True Buddha Excellent Cultivation Venues as a mark of recognition. May all cultivation venues cherish this auspicious Dharma connection, advance diligently, widely propagate the authentic teachings of the Tathagata, and bring immeasurable benefit to all sentient beings.
The 2024 Outstanding Cultivation Venue recipient is:
The 2024 Excellent Cultivation Venue recipients (33 in total) are:
The True Buddha Cultivation Venue Excellence Program recognizes outstanding True Buddha cultivation venues, and we warmly invite all TBS cultivation venues to actively participate in this initiative. These outstanding venues serve as models and inspiration for exemplary observation and learning within the school. Together, we can enhance our ability to guide the spiritual growth of sentient beings in all True Buddha School cultivation venues.
For detailed rules and guidelines of the True Buddha Temple Excellence Program, please scan the QR code (A) on the right.
To access the online "Reward Program Activity Submission Form," please scan the QR code (B) on the right.
(Note 1: The above links can only be accessed using a "Cultivation Venue Account" on the official administrative website.)
(Note 2: If a cultivation venue has forgotten its True Buddha ID, is unable to access the administrative website, or has questions regarding a reward submission, please contact TBF via the official LINE account (LINE ID: tbf0965352639twn).)
Best Regards,
True Buddha Foundation
February 24, 2025