Wisdom and Buddha Affinity Always Online!

True Buddha School Administrative Network Notification
Wisdom and Buddha Affinity Always Online!

---The True Buddha School Administrative Network website has been fully upgraded. The AI-powered customer service feature "True Buddha Assistant," is now ready for use by site visitors.

TBF-AdmNet Notice No. 0001
The True Buddha School, always at the forefront of changing times, has officially launched the True Buddha Assistant—an intelligent customer service feature available 24/7 to answer questions about school affairs, cultivation venues, and Dharma matters!

No matter what language is used, the True Buddha Assistant can respond to inquiries in the same language, enabling seamless cross-language communication. Through the latest technology, this new feature strengthens the user's connection to Buddhist teachings, simplifying the user experience while providing better access to the wisdom of the True Buddha Tantric Dharma. Users can now utilize a technologically advanced Buddhist wisdom service which will enhance spiritual practice and make it more joyful!

To immediately access this feature, go to the True Buddha School Administrative Network or the True Buddha School Administrative Network Website App, click on the True Buddha Assistant icon in the bottom right corner, and start interacting!

The True Buddha Assistant does not provide detailed search and response to inquiries regarding the True Buddha Tantric Dharma. Please visit the True Buddha Dharma Treasury to locate the resources you need.

The True Buddha Assistant cannot provide updates on the status of submissions made via the True Buddha School Administrative Network website. Please check your email for updates on the processing status of your submission.

This paragraph deleted because redundant.

Best Regards,
True Buddha School Administrative Network Website Team
January 27, 2025

Translated by TBTTs
Translator: DJ Chang
Editor: Henry Wolf

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。