Q&A Regarding Seven-Eyed Buddha Mother Empowerment

True Buddha Foundation Dharma Affairs Announcement
TBF-DA Prac. #025

Q&A Regarding Seven-Eyed Buddha Mother Empowerment

Q: Do disciples registered as primary supplicants for the Noble Guanyin Ceremony on Feb. 25 (the day after the Spring Ceremony) also receive empowerment for the Secret Heavenly Eyes Practice of the Seven-Eyed Buddha Mother?

A: Disciples registered as primary supplicants for the Feb. 25 Noble Guanyin ceremony do not receive empowerment for the Secret Heavenly Eyes Practice of the Seven-Eyed Buddha Mother.

Best Regards,
True Buddha Foundation
Feb. 9, 2024

Translated by TBTTs
Translator: DJ Chang
Editor: Henry Wolf

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