Questions Concerning the Very Secret Clairvoyance Talisman Announcement

【True Buddha Foundation Dharma Affairs Announcement】
TBF-DA Decl. #0008 (Part 2)

Following instruction from Grandmaster Living Buddha Lian-sheng concerning the talisman mentioned in TBF-DA Decl. #0008, TBF is providing guidance in connection with the following questions:

Q: Will those who register as primary supplicants for the Feb. 24, 2024 Grand Spring Guanyin Bodhisattva Ceremony also receive remote empowerment for the Secret Heavenly Eyes Practice of the Seven-Eyed Buddha Mother. May they also begin cultivating this practice?
A: Yes, because of the sponsorship merit of the debut transmission of this great practice, primary supplicants sponsoring the Feb. 24, 2024 Grand Spring Guanyin Bodhisattva Ceremony will receive remote empowerment for the Secret Heavenly Eyes Practice of the Seven-Eyed Buddha Mother and may begin to practice.

Q: After registering as a primary supplicant, how does one obtain the Very Secret Clairvoyance Talisman?
A: There are three methods:

  1. A primary supplicant participating in the ceremony on-site, may obtain the talisman and gift directly from temple personnel.
  2. Primary supplicants who are not participating on-site can have another party pick up the talisman from temple personnel for them.
  3. If a primary supplicant is neither able to obtain the talisman and gift on-site nor have someone pick it up from temple personnel for them, temple personnel will mail the talisman to the primary supplicant, but the gift will be automatically waived by the primary supplicant.
Friendly reminder: to avoid delivery problems, a primary supplicant must provide a permanent mailing address when registering.

Best Regards,
True Buddha Foundation

Translated by TBTTs
Translator: Henry Wolf
Editor: DJ Chang

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