Jiachen Lunar New Year Wealth God Invitation Practice

True Buddha Foundation Dharma Affairs Announcement
TBF-DA Pac#008: Lunar New Year Wealth God Invitation
Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Transmission of the Wealth God Invitation Practice for the 2024 Jiachen Year
《Jiachen Lunar New Year Wealth God Invitation Practice》

In 2024, the Jiachen Year, there is prosperity in the east-west direction. The wealth god is in the easterly direction. The Five Elements correspond to Fire, and the direction of the wealth god is East.

  1. Mascot Preparation:
    Place seven red crystal balls in a red treasure bowl that has a coiling red dragon on top of it. The number seven represents completeness. With the the seed syllable 「」''Jum,'' engraved on their surface, the crystal balls carry the blessings of the Wealth Deity.
  2. Time period to invite the wealth deity (Lunar Calendar):
    Choose one of the following days and times to perform the practice:
    2nd day of the first lunar month: Sun., Feb. 11, 2024, 7:00-9:00AM
    16th day of the first lunar month: Mon., Feb. 25, 2024, 7:00-9:00AM. Or, alternatively, on the next Man (滿) day.
  3. Performing the Practice
    While holding the wealth mascot with both hands, take one step outside the front door of your residence. Face east, then take eight steps while reciting, “Wealth God, please come into my home!” 3 times. In this way, one picks up the wealth god of the Jiachen Year and brings the deity home. Take the treasure bowl back inside your residence and place it in the wealth corner. This concludes the practice.

Best Regards,
True Buddha Foundation
November 24, 2023

Translated by TBTTs
Translator: DJ Chang
Editor: Henry Wolf

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