The Key Formula of Four Immeasurable Minds Visualization

True Buddha Foundation Dharma Affairs Announcement
TBF-DA Prac-0020
The Key Formula of Four Immeasurable Minds Visualization

On March 28, 2023, Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng instructed the key formula of the Four Immeasurable Minds Visualization as follows:
When cultivating, practitioners visualize their father and relatives of the father’s side joining in cultivation on the dragon side, which is to the left of the practitioner and carries more weight.
Practitioners visualize their mother and relatives of the mother’s side joining in cultivation on the tiger side, which is to the right of the practitioner and carries less weight.

In summary, the Four Immeasurable Minds Visualization is performed as follows:
Visualize one’s father and relatives of one’s father on one’s left side.
Visualize one’s mother and relatives of one’s mother on one’s right side.
Visualize benefactors, teachers, friends, and loved ones behind one.
Visualize karmic creditors in front of one.
Visualize all beings of the six realms surrounding one.
All join in this practice to attain Buddhahood together.

Best Regards,
True Buddha Foundation
Mar. 28, 2023

Translated by TBTTs
Translator: DJ Chang
Editor: Henry Wolf

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