Q&A Regarding Peaceful New Year Mantra and Health Mantra

【True Buddha Foundation Dharma Affairs Announcement】
Q&A Regarding Peaceful New Year Mantra and Health Mantra

TBF-DA Announcement #0012

Q1: How can we eradicate calamities and change our fate to enhance our good fortune in the coming new year?
A: To eradicate calamities and enhance good fortune, on the first day of the new year, in the home shrine or facing the void, recite this mantra: “Tian-yuan-di-fang, lu-ling-jiu-zhang, da-nian-chu-yi, yi-nian-ping-an.” (The nine levels of round sky and square earth, on the first day of the year, please protect me and make the entire year peaceful.) One can use this method to pray for health, well being, and peace.

Q2: Should we request remote empowerment for reciting the Peaceful New Year Mantra and Health Mantra?
A: One may write Grandmaster to receive bestowal of remote empowerment for both mantras. As long as one has received empowerment for “Tian-yuan-di-fang, lu-ling-jiu-zhang”, one may recite both mantras. For example, if one has received empowerment for the Health Mantra, one may recite the Peaceful New Year Mantra one time on the first day of the new year. One may request remote empowerment by mailing, faxing, or emailing the True Buddha Foundation. One may offer a donation of any amount.

Q3: Can one who did not receive empowerment or is not a True Buddha School (TBS) disciple still recite the mantras?
A: Whether a TBS disciple or not, one who has not received empowerment may still sincerely (reciting the mantra with faith will fulfill one’s wishes) recite the Peaceful New Year Mantra on the first day of the new year. However, reciting the mantra will be more effective with the empowerment of Root Lineage Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng and the lineage blessings.

Q4: Can disciples recite the Peaceful New Year Mantra to pray for Grandmaster and Shimu’s good fortune in the new year?
A: Yes. “Tian-yuan-di-fang, lu-ling-jiu-zhang, da-nian-chu-yi, yuan shi-zun lian-sheng-huo-fo, ji shimu lian-xiang-shang-shi, yi-nian ping-an, jian-kang-chang-shou, ji-xiang-yuan-man.”
(The nine levels of round sky and square earth, on the first day of the year, may Grandmaster Living Buddha Lian-sheng and Shimu Master Lianxiang be peaceful and safe the entire year, healthy, long life, auspicious, and perfect.)
Om。 gu-ru。lian-sheng。sid-dhi。hum! Om。ah-ma-re-ni。zu- wen-di-ye。so-ha!

Q5: What is the Health Mantra?
A: Dharma King Lian-sheng replied that this mantra was transmitted by his Taoist Guru Qing Zhen (Reverend Liao Ming). Every night, when going to bed, place your hand on your heart and recite seven times “Tian-yuan-di-fang, lu-ling-jiu-zhang, wu-zang-jun-chang, yuan-xiang-ning-kang”. (The nine levels of round sky and square earth, may the five internal organs be normal so one is healthy.)

Explanation of the Health Mantra:
Tian-yuan-di-fang means the sky is round and the earth is square. Lu-ling-jiu-zhang means there are nine levels of tian-yuan-di-fang. Wu-zang means the five internal organs, heart, liver, pancreas, lungs, and kidneys. The heart is the key organ of the five organs. The zhun in wu-tsang-zhun means deity, that is, regarding the five organs as five deities. Chang means normal. Therefore, this phrase means the overall circulation of the five organs is very normal. Yuan-xiang-ning-kang means wishing for peace and well being. In other words, one prays for good health.

Note1: The Health Mantra reference is Grandmaster’s instruction given at the True Buddha Foundation Reply Center in Taiwan on Jan. 1, 2018 and a Q&A session with Dharma King Lian-sheng during a group cultivation at Seattle Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple on Oct. 17, 2020.

Note2: The reference of the Peaceful New Year Mantra is the Q&A report of the Year of Jihai New Year Media Interview on Feb. 5, 2019 and Grandmaster’s instruction given at the True Buddha Foundation Reply Center in Seattle on Feb. 8, 2021.

Best Regards,
True Buddha Foundation
Feb. 9, 2021



Translated by TBTTs
Translator: DJ Chang
Editor: Henry Wolf

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