Rain Stopping Practice and Praying for Rain Practice

【True Buddha Foundation Notification】
TBF-DA Practice Notification #0009
Dharma King Lian-sheng Compassionately Transmitted the Rain Stopping Practice and Praying for Rain Practice

On July 13, 2020, in response to flooding caused by regional heavy rain or drought caused by extreme weather, Root Lineage Guru Dharma King Lian-sheng compassionately transmitted the Rain Stopping Practice and Praying for Rain Practice at the True Buddha Foundation office in Seattle. Guidance for the practice is as follows:

Rain Stopping Practice
If non-stop rainfall is causing a disaster, the steps of the ritual are as follows:
  1. Prepare three whites (milk, cheese, yogurt), add clay, and form the mixture into 108 pellets.
  2. Obtain an article of clothing worn by a deceased person. Sit on the clothing and recite the Rain Stopping Mantra 108 times over each pellet.
    Rain Stopping Mantra: "Om。Naga。Ga。La。Ga。La。Ba。Ri。Yi。Xia。Ya。Pei。Pei。Pei。"
  3. Following the mantra recitation, at the flooded locality, throw the 108 pellets into the air toward the east, south, west, north, and central directions. The dragon king will depart because earth overcomes water. The rain will therefore stop.

Praying for Rain Practice
In case of drought, perform the steps of the ritual as follows:
  1. Prepare three whites (milk, cheese, yogurt), add flour, and form the mixture into 108 pellets.
  2. Obtain an article of clothing worn by a deceased person. Sit on the clothing and recite the Praying for Rain Mantra 108 times over each pellet.
    Praying for Rain Mantra: "Om。Naga。Ga。La。Ga。La。Ba。Ri。Yi。Xia。Ya。Soha。"
  3. Following the mantra recitation, place the pellets in a local lake, ocean, or river. In the event there are no such bodies of water, place the pellets into the largest well in the locality. It will begin to rain.

Dharma King Lian-sheng further instructs as follows:
  1. Disciples may request remote empowerment of the Rain Stopping Practice and Praying for Rain Practice.
  2. Each pellet should be about one inch or two cm in diameter, similar to the size of a fish ball.
  3. When performing the Rain Stopping Practice, one may repeat throwing the pellets toward the four directions and the center over and over until the pellets are gone. It is not necessary to throw the pellets clockwise.

Best Regards,
True Buddha Foundation
July 14, 2020
Please note:
Any person seeking to cultivate the True Buddha Tantric Dharma must first take refuge in Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng and receive the respective empowerment. One may then perform the respective practice. To take refuge, please follow this link: http://www.tbsseattle.org/english/content/view/16/33/lang,en/


Translated by True Buddha Translation Team
Translated by Henry Wolf
Edited by DJ Chang

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