100 Syllable Mantra of Wrathful Deity

True Buddha Foundation Dharma Activities Department Announcement Concerning
''100 Syllable Mantra of Wrathful Deity''

  1. Background
    Prior to discoursing the Lamdre on July 28, 2019, HH Living Buddha Lian-sheng debuted transmission of the Purity Restoration by 100 Syllable Mantra of Wrathful Deity Practice. Following is the guidance relevant to this transmission:
  2. Mantra
    Long 100 Syllable Mantra of Wrathful Deity (for male practitioners):
    Om, bie-zha-he-ru-ka-sa-ma-ya, ma-nu-bah-la-ya, he-ru-ka-deh-nu-pah-deh-cha, zhe-jo-mi-bah-wa, soo-do-ka-yu-mi-bah-wa, soo-poo-ka-yu-mi-bah-wa, an-nu-la-do-mi-bah-wa, sa-er-wa, sid-di, mi-bu-la-ya-cha, sa-er-wa, ka-er-ma, soo-cha-mi, ji-ta-moo, see-li-ren-gu-ru-hum, ha-ha, ha-ha, hoh, bah-ga-wan, bie-zha-he-ru-ka-ma-mee-mun-cha, he-ru-ka-ba-wa, ma-ha-sa-ma-ya, sah-do-ah, hum-pei.

    Long 100 Syllable Mantra of Wrathful Deity (for female practitioners)
    Om, bie-zha-da-ki-ni-he-ru-ka-sa-ma-ya, ma-nu-bah-la-ya, da-ki-ni-he-ru-ka-deh-nu-pah-deh-cha, zhe-jo-mi-bah-wa, soo-do-ka-yu-mi-bah-wa, soo-poo-ka-yu-mi-bah-wa, an-nu-la-do-mi-bah-wa, sa-er-wa, sid-di, mi-bu-la-ya-cha, sa-er-wa, ka-er-ma, soo-cha-mi, ji-ta-moo, see-li-ren-gu-ru-hum, ha-ha, ha-ha, hoh, bah-ga-wan, bie-zha-da-ki-ni-he-ru-ka-ma-mee-mun-cha, da-ki-ni-he-ru-ka-ba-wa, ma-ha-sa-ma-ya, sah-do-ah, hum-pei.
  3. Grandmaster's Guidance
    1. If True Buddha practitioners have broken the samaya precept by violating any of the Vajrayana 14 Root Tantric Vows, they may recite the 100 Syllable Mantra of Wrathful Deity for repentance and purification.
    2. One must receive empowerment prior to reciting the 100 Syllable Mantra of Wrathful Deity (one may send a letter to Grandmaster requesting remote empowerment.)
    3. True Buddha practitioners who have recently taken refuge and have violated the samaya precept may, after receiving the empowerment, recite the mantra for purity restoration.
    4. Both male and female practitioners may recite the 100 Syllable Mantra of Wrathful Deity. However, when female practitioners recite the mantra, they must add ''dakini'' just before every ''heruka.''
    5. No special visualization is required while reciting the 100 Syllable Mantra of Wrathful Deity. However, one must prepare an offering. The offering can be the same kind of offering one normally makes to the buddhas.
    6. If restoring purity after violating samaya, one must sincerely recite the 100 Syllable Mantra of Wrathful Deity 200 times or more and dedicate the merit to the eradication of the transgression one has committed.
    7. Although ''heruka'' only appears four times in the 100 Syllable Mantra of Wrathful Deity, Grandmaster instructs that this is acceptable.
    8. The 100 Syllable Mantra normally recited by True Buddha disciples is called the 100 Syllable Mantra of Peaceful Deity. Both the 100 Syllable Mantra of Wrathful Deity and the 100 Syllable Mantra of Peaceful Deity have merit to amend, purify, and eradicate transgressions and karmic hindrances. In normal practice, however, one should primarily recite the 100 Syllable Mantra of Peaceful Deity.

Best Regards,
True Buddha Foundation

Translated by True Buddha Translation Team
Translator: Henry Wolf
Editor: DJ Chang

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