Vajrayana White Jambhala Practice

Recently, several TBS disciples asked Grandmaster Lu to transmit White Jambhala Practice. I am therefore revealing the practice as follows. However, please note that only disciples who have taken refuge and received the respective empowerment may cultivate this sadhana.

White Jambhala Practice is as follows:

Great Homage.

Mandala Offering (offering bathing water is required).

Fourfold Refuge
(Namo Guru Bei, Namo Buddha ye, Namo Dharma ye, Namo Sangha ye).

Wholeheartedly invoke Avalokitesvara, White Jambhala and all deities in the Mandala.

Recite the Four Immeasurable Vows:
(May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness
May all beings be liberated from suffering and the causes of suffering
May all beings be free of suffering and always stay happy
May all beings be free of grasping and aversion and practice equanimity)

Armor Protection
Form the Vajra Mudra and chant mantra: ''Om, bo-ru-lan-ze-lee'' seven times. Touch the mudra to the brow point, then to the throat, heart, left shoulder, right shoulder, and back to the forehead. Release the mudra.

Form the White Jambhala Mudra. Visualize White Jambhala riding a green dragon while on a lotus. White Jambhala has one face and two arms. He holds a trident in his right arm and a staff in his left hand. He is surrounded by four dakinis. (Mudra will be taught individually.)

The key element of visualization is that during the water offering, one visualizes the water offered transforming into a celestial dragon in the sky with pure water spewing out of his mouth like rain, showering the body of White Jambhala.

Upon completion of visualization, chant White Jambhala Mantra: ''Om, bei-da-ma,zuo-er-da, ah-er-ye, jum-ba-la, la-re, she-da-ye, hum-pei.'' (108 times.)

Chant bathing mantra seven times:
''Om, bei-ma, zuo-da, ah-er-ye, jum-ba-la, she-da-ya, la-yi-da-mu, ba-ling-da, Ka-Ka-Ka-xi-Ka-xi.'' The meaning of this mantra is White Jambhala taking a bath.Next, one dips one's ring finger into the bathing water, tastes it, then flicks the bathing water around with the ring finger and thumb. This water represents wealth and treasure descending from heaven one after another. One may pray for oneself or others.

Recite the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra (One, three, or more times.)

Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra:
''Om, be-dza, sah-do sa-ma-ya, ma-nu bah-la-ya, be-dza sah-do deh-nu-pah-deh-cha, zhe-jo-mi-bah-wa, soo-do ka-yu mi-bah-wa, soo-poo ka-yu mi-bah-wa, an-nu-la-do mi-bah-wa, sa-er-wa, sid-di, mi-bu-la-ya-cha, sa-er-wa, ka-er-ma, soo-cha-mi, ji-ta-moo, see-li-yam, gu-ru-hum, ha-ha-ha-ha-hoh, bah-ga-wan, sa-er-wa, da-ta-ga-ta, be-dza, ma-mee mun-cha, be-dzi-ba-wa, ma-ha sa-ma-ya, sah-do-ah, hum, pei.'' (Three times)


The Holy Red crown Vajra Master
Blesses the descending White Jambhala
Upon sentient beings
Wealth and auspiciousness are bestowed

Tender the Great Homage to buddhas and conclude the practice.

Following are a few points to clarify this practice:
  1. In Tibetan Vajrayana, the praise verse for White Jambhala Practice is:

    Seeing sentient beings suffering in poverty and difficulties
    Reincarnating to save them as tears of compassion course down
    Magnificent body white as a snowy mountain
    Surrounded by dakinis of the west
    The holy deity of fortune and wealth
    I take refuge in and pay homage to''
  2. Visualization of the Kagyu Sect of Tibetan Vajrayana:
    ''Appearing in space is a magnificent altar adorned with five precious jewels. A great white lotus appears in the center of the altar. A moon disc emerges within the lotus. A syllable ''jum'' appears in the moon disc and transforms into White Jambhala. White Jambhala is white in color, with one face, two arms, and three eyes. His magnificent red hair dignifies him. He wears a small Five-buddha Crown. His body is short and strong with a big belly. It shines with splendid radiance. He rides a green dragon majestically while holding a khatvanga in his right arm and a wish-fulfilling staff in his right hand. In his left hand he holds a cloth sack (filled with treasure.) He is surrounded by the four dakinis of east, south, west, and north. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is above him.''
  3. The mantra of the White Jambhala of Tibetan Vajrayana is ''Om, bei-ma, zuo-da, ya-er-ya, jum-ba-la, she-da-ya, hum-pei.''
  4. After completing the practice, one should neither give away the bathing water offered nor discard it. The Vajrayana practitioner can sprinkle the water all around the altar or the house, but never outside. By not sprinkling the water outside, one's fortune will not be seized by outsiders.
  5. In the True Buddha School, one visualizes the bathing water transforming into a celestial dragon soaring up into the sky. The celestial dragon then showers White Jambhala by spewing water on him. Visualize every drop of this splendid rain falling down and transforming into money, gold, jewels, and diamonds. While flicking the water, visualize treasure surrounding one on all sides. This is the most important point.

Translated by TBTTs
Translators: Phyllis Feng and DJ Chang
Editor: Henry Wolf
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