July 22, 2017 Key Points of Living Buddha Lian-sheng's Discourse at Cundi Buddha Mother Personal Dei

July 22, 2017 Key Points of Living Buddha Lian-sheng's Discourse at Cundi Buddha Mother Personal Deity Group Cultivation

Key Points of Discourse

1. Grandmaster elaborated the actual practice of meditation and purification, emphasizing that purification can only be attained through the practice of samadhi.
2. The spiritual energy of today's cultivation session was extraordinarily powerful. Grandmaster was informed through his finger-flexing divination that today's group cultivation session received a score of 99.9.

3. Causal ground (manifestation of impurity): Refers to the stage prior to spiritual cultivation and throughout the process of spiritual cultivation. The stories narrated by Buddha in the Jataka Tales describe the causal ground, which belongs to Garbhadhatu Realm.
4. The ground of awakening (manifestation of purity): This state is attainment of spiritual awakening through one's cultivation and belongs to the Vajradhatu Realm.

5. Yoga of spiritual cultivation of the Tao: Refers to one's perception arising from cultivation of the Tao. Grandmaster explained perception of earth, water, fire and wind respectively.
6. XX's false speech: When visiting Aceh, Indonesia, XX claimed that in order to deliver bardo spirits who perished in the recent tsunami, she transformed into Allah, the God of Islam. Grandmaster then inquired: ''XX, what did this 'Allah' you transformed into look like?''

7. ''Miracles'' wrongly observed by XX: While in Panama to spread the dharma, XX consecrated a statue of Guanyin. As she was consecrating the statue, XX claimed to observe ''nectar'' trickling from the bodhisattva. This ''nectar'' was just an effect intentionally carved by the sculptor.
8. Fictitious claims of miracles: While visiting Mt. Wutai, XX claimed that an elderly nun she saw there was a manifestation of Manjushri Bodhisattva. In fact, Master Lianzi had seen this elderly nun around the premises on previous occasions.

9. Grandmaster cautioned everyone to trust their own mind and never put faith in ghosts and spirits. Purification of the mind is of utmost importance.
10. One night a dharma sister who was getting rid of all XX items dreamed that XX demanded to consume the blood and the spirits of aborted babies (Only a demon would consume these substances.)

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