True Buddha Dharma-character Treasury - Cakrasamvara

On Sunday, Sep. 17, 2017, 2:00pm, at Rainbow Temple, True Buddha School Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu will preside over a Cakrasamvara Homa Ceremony followed by the empowerment of Cakrasamvara Eyes Uncommon Practice and the discourse of Lamdre. (Live Webcast Link:

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【Cakrasamvara Mudra :】(Embracing Mudra)

Cross the arms with the outward right hand on top of the inward left hand while each hand is making a fist facing inward. Make a circle by touching the tip of the index fingers with the thumb tip of each hand.

【Cakrasamvara Seed Syllable :】


【Cakrasamvara Mantra :】

Cakrasamvara Heart Mantra: 「Om。 seh。 ha-ha。 hum-hum。 pei。」
The mantra of Cakrasamvara and Vajravarahi together: ''「Om。 hai-ha-en-da-ruo-he。 hum-hum。pei。」

【Cakrasamvara Dharmalakṣaṇa Introduction】

Blue Cakrasamvara with one head and two arms stands on a sun disc within a lotus with the left leg bent while the right leg is extended. Each foot tramples upon a celestial being.

His topknot is adorned with mani jewels, new moon, and crossed vajra scepters. His body is adorned with six bone ornaments. He wears a necklace of human heads and a tiger skin skirt. He looks wrathful. Each hand holds a vajra scepter while he embraces Vajravarahi.

Vajravarahi is red. Her hands hold a kartika and a skull-cup respectively. Her hair is loose and spread out. Her right leg is bent while the left leg is extended. She is in unification with a joyful expression. Her body is adorned with five kinds of bone ornaments. The Buddha Father and Buddha Mother are surrounded by the fire of wisdom light.

The buddha of his crown ornament can be Akshobhya Buddha, Vairocana Buddha, or Amitabha Buddha. Cakrasamvara has a necklace of fifty fresh and bloody human heads around his neck which represent fifty Sanskrit seed syllables. The human bone necklaces represent perfection of the Six Paramitas. The Five-skull crown represents the nature of the Five Buddhas. The fresh blood represents nectar. The skull cup represents a vase.

【Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu Dharma Talk - Cakrasamvara Background and Magnificence】

Cakrasamvara Practice (also called Supreme Bliss Practice) is one of the Five Great Heruka Practices and is one of the highly treasured practices of the True Buddha School.

The Five Herukas are Hevajra, Guhyasamaja, Cakrasamvara, Yamantaka, and Mahottara Heruka.

This practice was originally the most significant and valuable practice of the Kagyu Sect of Vajrayana. This practice is complicated. One may only cultivate this practice after receiving the detailed key cultivation formulas from a vajra master.

The meaning of Cakrasamvara is ''surpassing all happiness.'' Cakrasamvara is therefore also called ''Supreme Bliss.''

Cakrasamvara Practice belongs to the Kagyu Sect and is one of the esoteric practices of H.H. the 16th Karmapa. The 16th Karmapa converted an entire motel located on Meadow Mountain in the city of Woodstock, NY. into the Wheel of Cakrasamvara. It is a dharma platform of Cakrasamvara. When visiting there, Grandmaster met the 16th Karmapa and also received Cakrasamvara Dharma from Lama Eba. This is the lineage of the Cakrasamvara transmission.

This practice can be performed to benefit heavens and humanity. 【Calamity Eradication Practice】One can visualize circular white light radiating everywhere to remove the karmic hindrances of sentient beings or to eradicate one's own personal calamity.
【Enrichment Practice】One can visualize circular yellow light radiating everywhere to fulfill the needs of sentient beings.
【Magnetization Practice】One can visualize red light radiating in every direction everywhere. One's wishes for magnetization will be accomplished naturally.
【Subjugation Practice】One may visualize blue light radiating everywhere subjugating everything.

Cakrasamvara is actually also practiced in the Sakya School. After all, who advocated the Sakya school? It was the Mongolian Imperial Preceptor, Phagpa. Besides Hevajra, Cakrasamvara can be practiced as well.

Cakrasamvara mantra is: ''Om。 seh。 ha-ha。 hum-hum-pei。''

Cakrasamvara and Vajravarahi are together. Cakrasamvara's mudra is the Embracing Mudra. One's hands form crossed fists which are held in front of the chest. Vajravarahi is between
Cakrasamvara's crossed fists and Cakrasamvara's chest. When one practices Cakrasamvara and Vajravarahi together, the mantra is different: ''Om。 hai-ha-en-da-ruo-he。 hum-hum。pei。''

On February 11, 2017, Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu Debuted Transmission of Cakrasamvara Dharma. The following visualization is excerpted from the main practice in Living Buddha Lian-sheng book 251 Dreamy Prose and Poems, Cakrasamvara Practice:

I have especially taught as follows:
''One first visualizes oneself transforming into void, completely empty.''
''One then visualizes a lotus flower appearing from the void. There is a sun disc within the lotus and within the sun disc. The transforms to a vajra scepter.''
''Subsequently, the vajra scepter transforms into a standing Cakrasamvara.''
A disciple asked, ''What is the Cakrasamvara visualization?''
''At this moment, Cakrasamvara is oneself. Oneself is Cakrasamvara. Visualize oneself being blue, one head and two arms, standing on a sun disc within a lotus with the left leg bent while the right leg is extended. Each foot tramples upon a celestial being.''
''His topknot is adorned with mani jewels, new moon, and crossed vajra scepters. His body is adorned with six bone ornaments. He wears a necklace of human heads and a tiger skin skirt. He looks wrathful. Each hand holds a vajra scepter while he embraces Vajravarahi.''
''Vajravarahi is red. Her hands hold a kartika and a skull-cup respectively. Her hair is loose and spread out. Her right leg is bent while the left leg is extended. She is in unification with a joyful expression. Her body is adorned with five kinds of bone ornaments.''
''The Buddha Father and Buddha Mother are surrounded by the fire of wisdom light.''

A disciple asked, ''Which Buddha is used for the crown ornament?''
I replied, ''Some use Akshobhya Buddha or Vairocana Buddha. Some may use Amitabha Buddha.''

A disciple asked, ''What is the mantra?''
I answered, ''Om。seh。ha-ha。Hum-hum。 Pei。'' (108 times)

A disciple asked, ''Does one enter samadhi after reciting the mantra?''
I replied, ''Yes.''

A disciple asked: ''After exiting samadhi, what praise verse should be used?''
I answered, ''Supreme bliss is still emptiness
Possessing the essential nature of the Three Realms
Wisdom and light in unification
I pay homage to Cakrasamvara''

The significant benefits one will attain upon accomplishing the practice are:

1. Unhindered in the three realms.
2. Able to summon all heavenly deities and the eight classes of devas and nagas.
3. All dakinis will be the servants of the practitioner.
4. Know the karmic causes and effects of seven lifetimes.
5. Unable to be harmed by the heavens, not to mention by ghosts or humans.
6. Able to cause someone to live or die.
7. Able to be invisible.
8. Possess a vajra body.
9. Cannot be harmed by thieves, robbers, and fierce beasts. Cannot be harmed by the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth.
10. Able to eradicate plagues.
11. Able to travel through sky, water, and fire. Able to reach Heavens of End of Form and even higher.
12. Capable of divine transformation.
13. Longevity.
14. Attainment of buddhahood.

If one is unable to reach attainment or merge oneself into emptiness, one will never become a buddha. Basically speaking, one could never possibly become a buddha. Only when one has reached enlightenment, attained the dharma body and merged oneself into emptiness, is one truly unhindered.

This then is the samadhi of the play of supernatural power! This is Cakrasamvara! This is the supreme state.

Feb. 11, 2017 Dharma Discourse - Debut Transmission of Cakrasamvara Practice
Cakrasamvara Sadhana
Cakrasamvara Practice in Dreamy Prose and Poems, Sheng-yen Lu Book 251

!!Please be aware that before engaging in any True Buddha Vajrayana practices, one must first take refuge and receive the respective empowerment.!!

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