Grand Master Personally Conducted Hevajra Homa at Rainbow Temple

Sunday, June 28, 2009, clear sky and glorious weather, Buddhist disciples of the four groups (四眾佛子) from all over the world came to support the Hevajra Homa conducted by Root Guru His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-Sheng and to receive the Hevajra empowerment.

Grand Master lit up the homa fire at the ceremony at 3 o`clock in the afternoon. The ceremony and the Homa fire rapidly integrated into the sacred Dharma realms. Hevajra`s mantra, Om。Dae Wa。Bi Zu。Wa Zru La。Hum Hum Hum。Fa Za。So Ha。(嗡。帝瓦。必主。瓦日拉。吽吽吽。發吒。梭哈。), instantly reverberated in the entire surrounding and horizon.

Grand Master started his lecture saying Hevajra had descended to the shrine several times during the homa and given blessing to everyone. Root Guru His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, at the same time, prayed to Hevajra to fulfill everyone`s wishes and to make all circumstances be auspicious. Grand Master then continued the lecture on the Essence of Hevajra - Emptiness within Great Bliss with his un-obstructive Buddha wisdom.

Grand Master implied that we may follow the book to do the Hevajra great mandala offering (喜金剛集輪薈供). Reading the book to gain understanding on many different dharmas and five different Herukas common and uncommon practices (五部金剛續的共法及不共法).

Grand Master encouraged everyone by saying: If a practitioner can truly understand and apply the Dharma taught in the Sri Hevajra Tantra (吉祥喜金剛集輪甘露泉), the cultivator will receive great benefit; such as, understanding the essence of Great Reunion Chart (大團聚圖), getting knowledge on different deity invocation dharma and visualization (諸尊的召請法,召請觀想), comprehending the essence of Vajrasattva invocation (金剛薩埵重點召請的奧秘), knowing different mantra, different supplication, and different verse (種種咒、種種讚、種種偈), and learning the methods of practicing protection practice, uncommon practice dharma (如何修護輪及不共護輪), and four immeasurable heart (如何修四無量心).

Grand Master endorsingly reminded all Buddhist disciples of the four groups (四眾佛子) to diligently cultivate step by step following by each level, Action, Performance, Yoga, and Maha-anuttara-yoga (事部、行部、瑜珈部、無上部). Grand Master encouraged everyone by saying `take the steps to practice, and practices make things perfect`; at the end, everything will be achieved in an instant. Grand Master then transmitted auspicious Hevajra empowerment to all participants after the Dharma disclosure.

After the ceremony, more than ninety disciples from Chicago sang in a group with cheerful melody and performed book discussion challenge for Grand Master. Their performance won applauses from all audiences. There were other entirely new talented and skilled performances. The day ended with Grand Master blessing everyone with his overpowering momentum Tai Chi.

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