Grand Master, the Living Buddha Lian-Sheng conducted the unique Cundi Buddhadevi Homa Ceremony (準提佛母

On a Sunday afternoon at 3:00 p.m., October 18, 2009, Grand Master, the Living Buddha Lian-Sheng conducted the unique ``Namo Cundi Buddha-Mother Boddhisattva Homa ceremony and empowerment of Cundi Buddha-Mother Personal Deity Yoga(including refuge empowerment)``at Rainbow Temple. When Grand Master dedicated merits of this ceremony, he single-mindedly beseeched Namo Cundi Buddha-Mother to illuminate and deliver the disembodied spirits of concern to the Pure Land of Buddhas, to bless bestow all registered followers with auspicious fortune and wisdom, satisfactory venerated affection and elimination of illnesses due to karma. With the everlasting power of the scepter, all calamities and misfortunes be expelled and all that which were ever beseeched for shall be auspiciously satisfactory.

After the ceremony, Grand Master cited that Cundi Buddhadevi(準提佛母) can either be honored as a Personal Deity or a Dharma Protector for her fierce power. The Buddhadevi is also known as Cundi Avalokitesvara or Pure Vajra Deity; she has eighteen arms and each of which is holding an implement of a peculiar function.

Grand Master further pointed out that when Cundi Buddhadevi (Buddha-Mother) descended in today`s Homa, (my) perception of her power is that of immensity. Cundi Buddhadevi is very compassionate and as long as everybody supplicates to her in earnest, all wishes shall be granted. Grand Master mentioned, once again, that the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra has already been transmitted since Tang Dynasty and is highly testimonial of its marvelous effect; everybody is encouraged to recite it often. Cundi Buddhadevi is very decorously solemn. Acharya Master Pu-Fang (one of Grand Master`s teachers) has honored Cundi Buddhadevi as his Principal Deity; Acharya Master Pu-Fang was the teacher from whom Grand Master received the empowerment of Cundi Buddhadevi.

Grand Master mentioned that during the tenure of his military service in Taiwan, he had to fold up his warmer blanket very tidily (on a daily basis) and all chores had to be done in a strictly orderly manner and would not admit of any disorderliness. In the military, at times, there is no room for reasonable justification of an order from a superior officer. All the subordinate personnel must obey order from a superior; the key word is ``obey``; soldiers are born of the commitment to take orders. Whatever order is given by the superior, the subordinate must follow the order to the word, otherwise the minds of military personnel could not be streamlined and the troops would lose control of themselves. Only by obeying order, can the rank-and-file personnel from top to bottom be single-minded in their operation concurrently. At no time should a military order be compromised. The same is mostly true of being a monk or nun; they have to maintain the four solemn manners, i.e., ``sitting firm and straight as a bell; moving swift and quiet as wind; standing firm and straight as a pine; and, lying curved as a bow.`` One has to sit like sitting; stand like standing; walk like walking without swaggering or putting one`s arm over another`s shoulder; one has to eat with the back straight and the head up, bring the bowl to one`s mouth to eat, and be speechless throughout the meal. One can thus express the mystique and mannerism of a monk or nun. One has to maintain a dignified and high-spirited attitude at all times. All these sum up in the following words: ``Temple has monastery rules, home has household rules, armed forces have military regulations, and communities have civilian laws.`` Therefore, all the rules and regulations shall not become meaningless.

Grand Master further cited, in the respect of delivering all sentient beings (to thither), one has to be ``understanding and reasonable``, ``approachable and friendly to others`` such that one can extensively redeem all sentient beings with ease. As being a teacher or Acharya Master, one has to be a role model to all sentient beings; only the good and benevolent aspects of the teacher should be assimilated and discard the otherwise unwholesome aspects. Grand Master used this analogy to alert all followers: ``Where the lion was ever able to jump over, the rabbit is not able to do the same.``

Following that, Grand Master continued on with his discourse on the book ``Emptiness within the Great Bliss``: inasmuch as the Kamamudra action between Hevajra and the Selfless Mother, accompanied by visualization of the Eight Female Consorts, the significance of the insight is: being free of spawn-born, embryo-born, egg-born and transformation-born such that the vulnerability to be born via these four means is removed and thus transcending the Wheel of Perpetual Reincarnation is achieved. An eulogy is thus written: ``The Yogi-nuns circumambulate the Master who has attained the highest Will (spiritual fruition); the motional and the motionless rendering subtlety and decorous solemnity. Calling forth the compassionate heart to redeem all sentient beings. The imaginary minded Vajra has attained the Will (spiritual fruition). Seal-marked by Vajra Heruka.`` Grand Master expounded the eulogy phrases as follows: the Eight Female Consorts were continuously circumambulating Hevajra who has attained the highest state of enlightenment and spiritual fruition. He always maintains a mystique and mannerism of decorous solemnity whether he is moving or not; he is full of compassion so as to redeem all sentient beings. Hevajra has attained the highest state of spiritual fruition and enlightenment and he has gained sealed recognition of Vajra Devas and Vajra Buddhas.

At the end, the devoted followers entertained Grand Master with pre-rehearsed performances in an effort to thank Grand Master`s compassionate redemption and blessing of all sentient beings without personal bias. Finally, Grand Master blessed the participating followers with a vigorous performance of Tai Chi form.

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