Fire Puja ceremony of Amoghapasa Lokeshvara on Feb. 22, 2014

(Reported by Master Lian-Dien)

At 4pm on Feb. 22nd, 2014, Living Buddha Liansheng, Dharma King Lu Sheng-yen presided over the Fire Puja ceremony of Amoghapasa Lokeshvara (Infallible Lasso Guan Yin) at Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple. Ceremony started with the recitation of Padmakumara Mantra by thousands present. Vajra Master Lian Ye representing all disciples in presenting the Hada in offering the highest respect.

After the ceremony, Dharma King Liansheng paid respect to the Lineage Gurus and sent greetings to all the VIPs, Dharma brothers and sisters present and viewers on the internet. Then he mentioned that there was a special VIP, Mr. Ko Ling Fung was also present. He was a well-known Taiwanese actor.
Due to the vows of Amoghapasa Lokeshvara, Mr. Ko Ling Fung went into the fire and purified all karma and was delivered to the Buddha Land today.

At 4pm on Feb. 22nd, 2014, Living Buddha Liansheng, Dharma King Lu Sheng-yen presided over the Fire Puja ceremony of Amoghapasa Lokeshvara (Infallible Lasso Guan Yin) at Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple. Ceremony started with the recitation of Padmakumara Mantra by thousands present. Vajra Master Lian Ye representing all disciples in presenting the Hada in offering the highest respect.

After the ceremony, Dharma King Liansheng paid respect to the Lineage Gurus and sent greetings to all the VIPs, Dharma brothers and sisters present and viewers on the internet. Then he mentioned that there was a special VIP, Mr. Ko Ling Fung 「高凌風」 was also present. He was a well-known Taiwanese actor.
Due to the vows of Amoghapasa Lokeshvara, Mr. Ko Ling Fung 「高凌風」 went into the fire and purified all karma and was delivered to the Buddha Land today.

Then Dharma King Liansheng said that The Director General Daniel Liao 「廖東周」 of Houston, who used to be the Secretary General of Taiwan Secretary General of Ministry of Economic Affairs in Seattle, had been cultivating the Dharma of non-leakage diligently for 10 months and has obtained spiritual response. He has successfully obtained earth status in meditation and is able to observe azure blue light and wisdom light drops, causing him to have an abundance of attentive energy. One can see the Dharma of True Buddha School is authentic and its cultivation procedure is very effective, thus it is worthwhile to cultivate diligently for quick response.

Dharma King Liansheng proceeded to introduce the Principal Deity of the ceremony, Amoghapasa Lokeshvara. Above the head Amoghapasa Lokeshvara is Amoghasiddhi Buddha alias Deliverance Vajra. Which means equal deliverance, equally blessed, equal karma elimination, equally increase in wisdom, and all wishes will be fulfilled.

The Infallible Lasso Guan Yin has three heads and 4 arms. Each face has 3 eyes and 4 arms.

One hand has the Mala beads means that by reciting her name would be received and delivered.

One hand holds the Lotus means that by eliminating calamities and karma as well as increase blessings.

One hand holds the pure water bottle means that the ambrosia from the pure water bottle will wash away bad karma of hell, hungry ghost, and animal realm.

One hand holds the lasso means that by using the lasso to hold on or capture all what was desired and also lassoed to the Western Pureland of Bliss.

The greatness of the vows of The Infallible Lasso Guan Yin is in her lasso, and in her non-emptiness, so the Mantra of non-emptiness and Mantra of Bright Light are both especially great and important.

Dharma King Liansheng continues to expound on the Great Perfection---the way to eliminate worries.

Sentient Beings has many worries and sufferings. There are complains and annoyances, separations of love ones, unfulfilled desired, fear for losing, and etc. However, there are only three ways to eliminate worries.

1. The method of small vehicle (Theravada Buddhism). Going into seclusions like going into the mountains where there is no one around, then all worries stopped, because of the state of no comparison. If there are people then there will be sufferings due to comparison. When we see others have bigger houses or better living conditions, or drive better cars than sufferings started because we are unhappy. If we leave the worldly environment, we cannot see, hear and think, and then these sufferings due to comparison would stop.

2. The Bodhicitta method of large vehicle (Mahayana Buddhism). Compare with worse situations rather than better situations. Although I am not rich, I am still better than other poor people. Then one feels better and feels satisfied. If someone else has a better car, my car is still better than others who only have a motorcycle. If one can think in this way, then all worries and unhappiness will be reverted.

One can also use the method of putting oneself in the others shoes. In this way, compassion will develop the understanding that all love, hate, worries are due to karma of past lives. When the mind turns like this, one can tolerate and accept all, than worries will not exist.

3. Vajrayana method. It is to look past the worries will be emptiness. Worries have no form therefore it does not really exist. One must know that everything is just an image and from it develops worries. What has to be given back will be given back. Worry is not going to help. Understand that worries are emptiness and feelings from images are also emptiness. Use worries to develop the wisdom for conversion then worries will end.

Lastly, Dharma King Liansheng made an example of a basket of apples. There will be in a basket of apples, some bad ones, some not so sweet, some not as fresh. Therefore among the disciples, there will be some are bad, some that is all for themselves, some that is greedy, even some that will slander.

But cultivator must know, this is not important because this is the norm. Therefore there is no need to worry. Worry will not help for worry is just emptiness. Since worry is empty and not useful, then why worry. This is the natural way to release from worries.

This Dharma Talk of Dharma King Liansheng about the practical use of Dharma in daily lives received loud applauses. Dharma King Liansheng ended the ceremony by compassionately give empowerment of the Dharma of Amoghapasa Lokeshvara (Infallible Lasso Guan Yin) and Mantra of non-emptiness and Mantra of Bright Light. Thus the ceremony ended auspiciously.

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Translated by Nora Wang

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