Grand Master consulted White Dakini (白空行母) for instruction regarding Buddhism`s monastic governing p

Buddhism is a religious doctrine professed by Buddha. Buddhism was originated in ancient India and passed along to South East Asia, China, Korea, Japan and so on.

Primordial as Buddhism was at start, in the wake of myriad incidents and circumstances surrounding the life of Buddhists, code of precepts and monastic governing policies were thus instituted as corrective measures.

Whatever is deemed in accordance with Dharma.
Whatever is deemed not in accordance with Dharma.
In primordial Buddhism, monastic bishus ( monks) , bishunis (nuns), upasaes (male lay disciples) and upasikas (female lay disciples) were called the Four Groups of Disciples.

The status of bishus (monks) is the most reverenced.
The status of bishunis (nuns) is the next in gradation of reverence succeeding bishus (monks).
The status of upasaes (male lay disciples) is the next in gradation of reverence succeeding bishunis (nuns).
The status of upsikas (female lay disciples) is the last in gradation of reverence succeeding upsaes (male lay disciples).
There was multitude of monastic governing policies within the sect which were quite complex to illustrate.

Nonetheless, until nowadays equality between man and woman has never come into being. Circumstances have changed somewhat since. As for the Buddhism`s monastic governing policies, I exceptionally petitioned White Dakini Deity for consultation, specifically requesting Her instruction in this regard.

I asked:
``Primordial Buddhism`s monastic governing policies were back then and we are in the present time now, do all of them yet have to be strictly observed?``
White Dakini Deity replied:
``It`s for the best to conform to Buddha`s monastic governing policies. However, slight deviation is permissible, but not drastic.``

I asked:
``In the early days, True Buddha School admitted of non-bald-headed Acharya Masters, however, is it appropriate for bishus or monks and bishunis or nuns to prostrate themselves to the non-bald-headed Masters?``
White Dakini replied:
``Inappropriate, the lay Acharya Masters (non -bald-headed) had best promptly take ordination in monkhood, so that non-conformance to Dharma can be corrected to conformance to Dharma. As the state of affairs stands, lay disciples rank higher than monks and nuns; the ones cloaked in white (signify laity) poise higher than the monks and nuns at the bottom from whom the laity receive prostration. All of these phenomena are anomalies in the final period henceforth the time Buddha passed on. According to Buddhist canon scriptures, this is regarded as Mara or diabolical manifestation and is contrary to Buddha`s monastic governing policies set forth! ``

I asked:
``In the ancient days, the difference in status between bishu (monk) and bishuni (nun) was wide, whereas nowadays, men and women are equal in status and then what about the difference in status between bishu (monk) and bishuni (nun), if any?``
White Dakini replied:
``If one ever cultivated himself or herself to the stage of Buddhahood or state of Boddhisattva, then bishu (monk) and bishuni (nun) are deemed equal. However, there are still governing policies in effect nowadays; some people would advocate amendments to the existing policies. But, strictly speaking, every Buddhism sect should still observe the Buddha`s governing policies.``

I asked:
``Lay disciples and Acharya Masters sit at the center (of a congregation), surrounded in two rows of seats sat by bishus or monks and bishunis or nuns, is this appropriate?``
White Dakini replied:
``Utterly disorderly. This violates Buddhas`s monastic governing policies. It would be better if the laity and Acharya Masters sit in the center and bishus (monks) and bishunis (nuns) sit behind the Acharya Masters. This arrangement is more respectful to the monastic participants and brings adaptability to bear.

I asked:
``If a lay disciple wears a Five-Buddha Crown sitting in the center of an assembly and bishus (monks) and bishunis (nuns) prostrate to him at a higher position, is it appropriate?``
White Dakini replied:
``Prostrate to the Five Buddhas is fine; but prostrating to a person is not appropriate. This is a matter of adaptability.``

I asked:
``How should it be done then?``
White Dakini replied:
``The lay disciples had best be ordained as monks or nuns and all the problems will be solved.``

I said: ``But there are lay disciples not willing to be ordained as monks or nuns though?``
White Dakini replied:
``Tantrayana Buddhism entails three commitments: Boddhi-Mind, Willingness to Renounce and Contemplation of the Middle Way with Correct View. If one is lacking of Willingness to Renounce, then how can he or she be a practitioner?``

I said:
``I had once declared that lay disciples and ordained monks and nuns are all equal. Is this statement erroneous?``
White Dakini replied:
``That`s correct. At least in terms of spiritual endeavors, they are equal. They are thus equally capable of reaching spiritual fruition. However, as far as Buddha`s monastic governing policies are concerned, the ordained monks and nuns are to hold the fort for Buddha-Dharma while the lay disciples are to uphold Buddha-Dharma.``

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