True Buddha School Acharya Conference

【True Buddha Foundation News】
True Buddha School Acharya Conference

【Reported by Master Lianjiiu and Master Lianyu from Seattle】
On September 14, 2015, a Conference of all True Buddha School Masters was convened at the Lynnwood Center, Seattle, Wa. Master Lianyin presided as Chairman and 99 Masters were present.
The meeting started at 10am. The Chairman first welcomed everyone and introduced three newly promoted Masters: Master Lianxing, Master Lianwu, and Master Lianyang, who each gave a short speech introducing themselves. The Chairman then announced the following:

To avoid misunderstanding and slander, the True Buddha Foundation asks all True Buddha promotors and cultivation venues to avoid publishing or announcing pricing in True Buddha newspapers, magazines, websites, or in any other forms of advertisement. If needed, the ad can note ''Please contact the cultivation venue for further information.''

All True Buddha School cultivation venues and organizations must notify the True Buddha Foundation in advance if they will be using the name ''True Buddha Foundation'' in their promotional advertisements for any events they plan to host.
A person named Huang Juelin (黃覺霖 in Chinese), also known as Wu Shanglin (吳尚霖 in Chinese), has claimed via Facebook to be ''Reverend'' Shi Juelin when, in fact, he has never been ordained by the True Buddha School. His behavior and fundraising activities have nothing whatsoever to do with True Buddha School.

The meeting then discussed the rules and regulations concerning the behavior and appearance of True Buddha School dharma promotors. Master Lianzai reported that as this topic is still under discussion it will be postponed until the next meeting.

In addition, the sadhanas for Tiger Head Vajra, Adharma Buddha, Mahottara Heruka, Seven Lucky Gods, etc. that were first transmitted this year by Grand Master in Taiwan, followed the contents of Grand Master's newly published books and were then publicly announced after being reviewed by Grand Master.

Moreover, during the Nairatmya Homa Ceremony of May 31, 2015 at Rainbow Temple, Grand Master Lian-sheng gave new instructions for the visualization practice.

The second topic of discussion was the ''Caring Programs'' for the True Buddha School Sangha. The Chairman, Master Lianyin, first thanked Master Lianseng for drafting a proposal for the topic. Master Lianyue and Master Lianseng explained that the proposal temporarily focuses on three major areas: ''death & funeral, health insurance, and elderly care.'' There were many viewpoints on these issues from the Masters present. The discussion covered a wide range of issues from how to apply and enroll for programs to actual care. As a reference for everyone, Master Lianhwa Chengzu of The Federation of True Buddha School Malaysia and Master Lianlai of Singapore both explained ways in which some cultivation venues are presently going about providing care.

Master Lianning reported that the present True Buddha School Net will be upgraded to TBSN4.1 by the end of the year. The new version will advance web interface for True Buddha dharma propagators and cultivation venues. Master Lianning also introduced and demonstrated The True Buddha App for laptops and smart phones.

At present, TBSN and Facebook both have websites or pages in Chinese, English and Indonesian. The video ''A Complete & Detailed Exposition on the True Buddha Tantric Dharma'' is being subtitled in Indonesian which will further enable us to utilize the internet to educate and propagate the Dharma.

Seattle Temple and Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple were appreciated for providing many videos of dharma ceremonies. Cultivation venues are encouraged to send videos of their charity activities to be broadcast via True Buddha App to inspire more people for charitable care and giving. All volunteer translators, masters, reverends, and ''heroes behind the scenes'' are greatly appreciated!

【Reports of True Buddha Foundation's Subgroup Discussions】
Master Lianchuan reported for the subgroup ''Promoting Grand Master's Books.''
5000 copies of ''Pages of Truth'' published in Chinese, English and Indonesian by the Indonesian Enlightenment Magazine have been shipped to Indonesia.
Thanks to Master Lianzu for energetically promoting the ''Evil Spirit Subduing Golden Card of Tiger Head Vajra'' which is a limited edition and will not be issued again.

All Masters please provide suggestions for Living Buddha Lian-sheng's ''golden sayings.'' After 40 golden sayings have been collected and translated, the 2nd volume of ''Pages of Truth'' will be published.
Promotional Proposals:
To create short promotional films that can be broadcast on the internet. Master Lianwang was delegated to initiate this proposal.
To promote e-books with USB flash drive.

True Buddha Elderly Sangha Care:
The group leader Master Lianyue explained that this sangha care group includes three subgroups: elderly care homes, hospice care, and True Buddha dharma promoting personnel. Presently, it is separated into 8 districts: Canada, United States, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Europe, and Indonesia. Each district has its own leader and secretary who will be responsible for connecting with that area's dharma promoting personnel.
In addition, Master Lianyue brought up an ''animation of hospice care practice during the golden last 8 hours.'' She welcomes any suggestions and opinions on its contents from everyone.

Literary Promotion Group:
Group Leader Master Lianhe first thanked the three major supporters of his group. They are:
True Buddha Newspaper headed by Master Lianci and her team.
Enlightenment Magazine headed by Master Lianzai and his team.
Master Lianning and his True Buddha Official Website and the TBSN team.
He went on to thank everyone who submitted articles or helped in any other way in protecting Grand Master and the True Buddha School. Regarding literary work/reading material, he especially praised the effort made by the Federation of True Buddha School Malaysia in this area. He also thanked them for providing name tags for all masters and reverends. Master Lianhe continued to say that following completion of the book ''True Buddha School Worldwide Cultivation Venue Etiquette,'' he then finished the ''Introduction to the True Buddha Schoo.l'' Two months ago, he completed the draft of the ''Biography of Living Buddha Lian-sheng'' which will be published after final editing. Master Lianci reported that the True Buddha Newspaper has been in circulation for 27 years. It consists of both digital and newspaper versions. In the last 2 years there have been fewer and fewer articles about various Masters' dharma propagating agendas. She welcomes everyone to take full advantage of the newspaper to publicize the activities of Grandmaster, dharma promoting personnel, Lei Tsang Temples and cultivation venues. She also thanked all the Masters for their many years of sponsoring and support and their ''ceremonial dedication of merit'' for the full page ad benefactors.

True Buddha Sangha Columbarium Group
Group leader Master Lianseng told everyone that his team came up with two proposals:
Assist in drafting the Foundation's ''Sangha Welfare and Care Policy'' and creating an application form.
At present there are four True Buddha columbarium sites. These sites should be inspected semiannually and a report on their condition made to the True Buddha Foundation.
During the impromptu and free discussion session, various issues were brought up such as the seating position of the two Rinpoches.

Another concern brought up was the ''reception and greeting'' procedure at cultivation venues. It was noted that those personnel ''receiving and greeting'' are the first line of personal contact at the cultivation venues. A proposal was made to standardize the reception flow by combining the etiquette, the introductory literature of the venue and the True Buddha School, Grandmaster's pocket books, etc.. A suggestion was also made to include reception training as part of the education program.

As the ceremony for the transmission of White Lotus King Dharma will be held in December in Hong Kong, the True Buddha Foundation will once again remind the True Buddha dharma propagators that they are not allowed to spread the True Buddha doctrine in China. True Buddha Masters and Reverends are to wear ordinary street clothing in China. China strictly regulates and forbids the spreading of religious beliefs by foreign religious personnel. Even native religious personnel in China may only teach their religion in their own venue. Anyone who visits China must follow Chinese regulations and must not break the local laws.

The meeting ended at 4:30 pm. We hope that the brainstorming and combined intellectual strength of all the Masters will exalt the True Buddha School forever.

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。