White Lotus King Ceremony Instant Reporting Series I-II

[TBSN Express] ''True Buddha School'' Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu on December 13, 2015 1:30 PM will preside over the ''White Lotus King Calamity Eradication, Blessing, Magnetization, and Bardo Delivery Water-Offering Ceremony'' and transmit this unique practice at the AsiaWorld-Expo, Lantau Island, Hong Kong -- Instant Reporting Series I

【Reported by Master Liandian, Translated by TBTTs】
Dec. 12, 2015, HH Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Shimu Lianxiang and their entourage have already flown from Taoyuan International Airport to Hong Kong!

What made this even more special was that it was almost a dedicated flight for True Buddha School (TBS). The flight was filled with TBS disciples who have all come to participate in the White Lotus King Ceremony.

The disciples were so surprised and excited when they found out that they were on the same flight as Grandmaster!
Everyone can receive instant reporting on Grandmaster during these two days through the ''True Buddha School official website.''

[TBSN Express] ''True Buddha School'' Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu on December 13, 2015 1:30 PM will preside over the ''White Lotus King Calamity Eradication, Blessing, Magnetization, and Bardo Delivery Water-Offering Ceremony'' and transmit this unique practice at the AsiaWorld-Expo, Lantau Island, Hong Kong -- Instant Reporting Series II

【Reported by Master Liandian, Translated by TBTTs】
On Dec. 12, 2015 after 3:00pm, HH Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu and Shimu Lianxiang arrived at Hong Kong International Airport.
Numerous disciples who were waiting outside for Grandmaster who was sorely missed were so excited when once again they finally saw him in HK. Everyone cheered and exclaimed, ''How are you, Grandmaster and Shimu!'' ''We love you, Grandmaster and Shimu!''

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