Precious Sangha Members Have Returned Home
Reported by Lianru in TBF News
On February 26, 2023, while Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple (LSCTT) in Seattle celebrated Grandmaster’s Renunciation Anniversary in advance, Seattle welcomed back long-lost Reverends Lianqiao and Liancheng, two "newborns" who returned to the embrace of the True Buddha Sangha. Welcome home!
Lineage Root Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng specially purified and blessed the two reverends in the True Buddha Tantric Quarter, and offered them some guidance.
In the past, the two reverends were led astray by false rumors. Thinking that if they returned to the True Buddha School (TBS) they would be shunned, rejected, and despised, they dared not return. They have realized that their fears were unfounded. In fact, their reception has been exactly the opposite.
By this example of a warm and loving reception, the True Buddha Foundation (TBF) hopes that other reverends who are still wandering outside are encouraged to step back from the precipice and return home.
TBF recognizes the courage the two reverends showed in facing up to their mistakes, and has presented them with new TBS monastic robes and shoulder bags. Going forward, TBF sincerely encourages the two reverends to actively participate in reverend social media groups, True Buddha education courses, and TBF websites.
Although the weather in Seattle has been cold, the blessings of the Lineage Root Guru and everyone’s open-armed acceptance of the two reverends has warmed up the Dharma flow of the True Buddha Lineage!