''Everything is Buddha'' is the Great Perfection

On Jan. 09, 2016, Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu presided over a homa for Red Manohara Vasudhara and gave a dharma teaching on the Great Perfection:
''Everything is Buddha is the Great Perfection!''

In addition, Living Buddha Lian-sheng praised the dharma cultivation of
Master Liandeng as being worthy of everyone's respect and said that in the future
Master Liandeng will be reborn in the pure land of the Buddha and become another ''Lotus Light Buddha!''

【Report of Master Shi Liandian from Nantou, Translated by Henry Wolf, Translation Accuracy Edited by DJ Chang】

On Jan. 09, 2016 a ''Red Manohara Vasudhara Homa Ceremony'' was held at ''Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple'' followed by a dharma teaching on the Great Perfection.

Immediately following the homa, Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu mentioned that something unusual occurred during today's ceremony while he was performing the Armor Protection. The protectors who came to the shrine were the ''Four Heavenly Kings.''

Grand Master went on to say that his disciples can just take it easy and come and go as they please, but Grand Master must always be present. When he came to Taiwan last year, Grand Master himself had no chance to go sightseeing physically but only spiritually.

Two days ago Master Liandeng came before Grand Master by Wind and Fire Wheel. Master Liandeng said that after he passed away he did not want to be reborn in the heaven realm nor did he want to become the resident deity of a temple in the human realm (Third Prince Nezha). He hoped he would be reborn in Maha Twin Lotus Ponds... Grand Master has already agreed to guide Master Liandeng to the pure land of the Buddha!

Grand Master explained that:
Master Liandeng became ill and was confined to the hospital with tubes all over his body. The doctor had given him 3 months to live. However, due to the techniques of deep meditation he had practiced in his lifetime, he was still able to continue practicing even on his hospital bed, surprising all the hospital staff. Now, four years have passed.
His singleminded practice to attain buddhahood is worthy of our respect. In the future he will become a ''Lotus Light Buddha!''

At today's homa ceremony Grand Master saw Red Manohara Vasudhara spreading US Dollars, New Taiwan Dollars, and gold all over Lei Tsang Temple!
She bestowed all regular and side wealth on sentient beings!
Grand Master blessed everyone to be full of happiness, prosperous, successful in business, full of good fortune, and winning the lottery!

Grand Master said that the principal deity of today's homa is Red Manohara Vasudhara. Her body is red and she has the youthful appearance of a 16 years old girl. She wears celestial garments made of silk and is adorned with necklaces and precious ornaments. She is in glowing spirits, emits radiant light, carries a vajra hook in her right hand and a treasure spewing mongoose in her left hand, and sits in a posture with the right leg extended and the left leg bent inward.

Red Manohara Vasudhara is an emanation of Amitabha Buddha. When one attains spiritual union with this deity one also attains spiritual union with Amitabha Buddha. When one attains spiritual union with Amitabha Buddha, one also attains spiritual union with the Five Buddhas. When one attains spiritual union with the Five Buddhas one attains spiritual union with the Adibuddha!

Living Buddha Lian-sheng continued his teaching on the Great Perfection:
''Atiyoga'' is the essence of the Great Perfection and is the wisdom of the Buddha-nature Vehicle.
There was a yogi who cultivated the Great Perfection in Tibet and his body (body, speech, and mind) became one with the azure sky.
His mind, like the sky, became vast and infinite · · ·

One must realize one's deepest self. What Grand Master is enlightened to is the ''Wisdom of the Great Perfection!''
As said by Huineng, the 6th Patriarch of the Zen School, it is that moment when one is not thinking of righteousness or wickedness!

Tibetan masters of the Great Perfection have relinquished all worldly desires. This kind of cultivation is quite difficult. The power of this kind of tranquility is hard to attain! One could encounter a landslide on Mt. Tai and not even flinch!
Indifferent to everything, non-abiding, and close to the Way; this is truly enlightened! You can say that this kind of enlightenment is ''incomparable!'' Nothing can compare!

In the Great Perfection, everything is ''creativity.'' The Great Perfection is all-encompassing; everything is ''buddha.'' Singing is buddha, dancing is buddha, a vajra sceptre is also buddha. As long as one is in complete concentration, there is nothing that is not buddha!

At the conclusion of the dharma ceremony, as the Red Manohara Vasudhara mantra resounded everywhere, Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu bestowed the Red Manohara Vasudhara empowerment on more than 10,000 disciples. The dharma ceremony was perfect and auspicious!

Video link:https://youtu.be/MGgsMQJFyLw

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