Welcome Home Grandmaster and Shimu

To everyone's great happiness Grandmaster and Shimu have returned home to Seattle

《Seattle Lei Tsang Temple News》
After long and cherished anticipation by disciples in the U.S. and Canada, Grandmaster and Shimu finally safely returned to Seattle on May 11th. At the instant of seeing Grandmaster and Shimu coming up the airport escalator, the emotions of all the disciples who had been waiting to greet them at the airport and who had been missing them for such a long time erupted into a heartfelt outpouring of emotion with everyone calling out to them.

Although Grandmaster and Shimu were weary from the long journey and their faces showed signs of fatigue, upon seeing their beloved grandchildren Lu Hong and Lu Jiun, along with Foqing, Andy, Foqi, and Sunny, all the weariness and fatigue in their faces was instantly transformed into smiles and happiness. Grandmaster and Shimu hugged their two cute and lovable little grandkids and tenderly caressed their little cheeks. Grandmaster gave a big hug to his daughter and son whom he hadn't seen in such a long time. We believe the warm feeling surrounding Grandmaster can help to heal his body and spirit. Video Link: https://youtu.be/zb8uEn8uCeE

Grandmaster and Shimu cordially greeted everybody and many disciples offered them flowers while urging Grandmaster to get more rest and take time for a full recovery. Grandmaster and Shimu also happily posed for a blissful picture with everyone. Ambassador Liao Dongzhou, his wife, and Zhou Huifang, an attorney, also greeted Grandmaster at the airport. Master Mai Xianhui from the Chinatown district specially prepared a marvelous Auspicious Lion Presenting Fortune dance to joyfully welcome Grandmaster and Shimu back to Seattle. The atmosphere at the scene was warm and full of happiness.

Everyone walked together with Grandmaster, Shimu, and their family to the parking area. Prior to leaving, Grandmaster briefly gave his blessings to everyone. All present were very moved. At the same time, everyone also expressed their wish that Grandmaster would get lots of rest and fully recuperate. Everyone believes from the bottom of their heart that Grandmaster's good health is the greatest possible blessing to his 5 million disciples.

Welcome home, Grandmaster! Please get a thorough and peaceful rest until you fully recuperate. We ourselves will supplicate continuously for Grandmaster's good health.

The total count of the Amitayus mantra chanting is 15,503,045. Everyone please continue to chant the mantra and dedicate the merit. Let's guard Guru Buddha with love!
True Buddha School (TBS) cultivation venues worldwide and all TBS disciples please specially dedicate the merit of their dharma activities (such as group practices, ceremonies, sutra recitation, mantra chanting, etc.) to our Root Guru for his health, longevity, and continuously staying in the world.
The TBSN web address to record the mantra recitation is http://tbsn.org/chinese3/prayform.php?cid=6
Let's chant the mantra with the most sincere mind and dedicate the merit together!
Let's transform our collective mind power to become the strongest blessings!
Living Buddha Lian-sheng reciting Amitayus Mantra video: https://youtu.be/XOHI14IgS-8

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。