Master Liandeng's Last Words were ''Thank you Grandmaster for Your Deliverance''

A week ago, the venerable Vajra Master Shi Liandeng prophesied the ''time and day,'' told his children his time was up, and said the last words ''Thank you Grandmaster for your deliverance!'' before his passing.
Master Lianmiao said Master Liandeng took three deep breaths before he passed away at ease peacefully…

【Reported by Master Liandian in Taipei, Translated by Lynn Ang, Edited by Shelley Higgins and DJ Chang 】
Stepping into Taipei's ''Cizunzhe'' temple, one can see a majestic memorial hall set up for people to pay their last respects to Master Liandeng. Master Lianmiao and the children expressed their utmost gratitude to each and every disciple who came forward to pay their respects.

According to Master Lianmiao, ever since he became ill four and a half years ago, Master Liandeng never shed a tear nor complained of any pain. However, the only time he was seen moved to tears was when he was watching Grandmaster presiding over the White Lotus King Ceremony that was broadcasted live on May 7. Master Liandeng was extremely upset when he saw Grandmaster taking on the pain and suffering of sentient beings. Therefore, he prayed to Golden Mother to spare Grandmaster from any further pain and suffering and instead to allow Master Liandeng himself to take Grandmaster's place! Let me bear all the pain…
This was the only time Master Lianmiao noticed Master Liandeng shedding tears…

A week ago, when Master Liandeng came home to rest, he promptly notified his children that ''his time was up.'' Later, at around 2 am on May 15, Master Liandeng passed away peacefully.

Just a couple of minutes prior to Master Liandeng's passing, Master Lianmiao who had been constantly keeping watch day and night uttered to him, ''Master, having practiced cultivation throughout your entire spiritual life, this is the moment you have been preparing for. I am able to perform the Light Transference of Consciousness Dharma for you, and pray to Grandmaster, the Three Roots, and all the dharma protectors to come and give protection to you.'' As an indication, Master Liandeng reached out to grip Master Lianmiao three times. Following this, as Master Liaomiao turned around to prepare herself, the children noticed that their father looked somewhat different and promptly pointed it out to Master Liaomiao… Master Lianmiao noticed that Master Liandeng took only three deep breaths and with his head lifted, he passed away peacefully… According to Master Lianmiao, throughout her life, she had never seen Master Liandeng look more solemn, at ease and graceful than at this very moment…

Almost on a daily basis, for the past four and a half years, Master Lianmiao and her children have been looking after Master Liandeng day and night. Master Liandeng's granddaughter with great affection for her grandfather also took great care of him…

The doctor had previously announced that Master Liandeng would only have three months to live, yet with Grandmaster's blessings, Master Liandeng's life had been extended by four and a half years. From a medical perspective, this phenomenon can be said to be a miracle beyond any logical explanation!

When asked about how she felt about this, Master Lianmiao calmly said, ''I'm very touched!'' As a caregiver to a lung adenocarcinoma patient, Master Lianmiao felt really astonished and moved because at the time of his death, Master Liandeng, a distinguished spiritual cultivator, appeared so at ease and graceful.

Many thanks to Grandmaster! Our heartiest thanks to Master Liandeng!
P.S.: For decades on end, with perseverance and consistency, Master Liandeng resolved to guard and protect the Root Guru, diligently practice spiritual cultivation, and wholeheartedly devoted himself to the propagation of the True Buddha Tantra! Previously during his discourse at a ceremony, Grandmaster, H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng remarked that Master Liandeng will be reborn in the Buddha Pure Land, as the ''Lotus Light Buddha!'' This is a major testimony of the results of True Buddha Tantric cultivation as taught by the True Buddha School (TBS) Living Buddha Lian-sheng, i.e., one passes away peacefully at ease, without pain or the need for emergency salvation!

Let us pay our utmost respect to the venerable Master Liandeng, a TBS spiritual cultivator.
Just as I was laying down a flower to show my respect to you, it seemed as though I could see your usual warm and friendly smile, as always giving me great encouragement and comfort… Uncontrollably, my tears began falling…
Master Liandeng, you will always be our role model and example, may we meet again in the Maha Twin Lotus Ponds!
Om Guru Lian-sheng Siddhi Hum!

【We are grateful to the Root Guru for deliverance. Everyone please also dedicate the merit of their sutra recitation to Master Liandeng's fully accomplishing buddhahood.】


In memory of Master Liandeng, Chung Kuan Society has set up a solemn and dignified mandala at Cizunzhe (B1, No. 69, Section 2 Chongqing North Road) for everyone to commemorate and cherish Master Liandeng.

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