Grandmaster and Shimu Bathing Buddha

Grandmaster and Shimu ''Bathe Buddha'' Together to Celebrate Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthday

【Seattle LSCTT News, Translated by Lynn Ang, Edited by Henry Wolf and DJ Chang】
Shakyamuni Buddha's birthday falls on the 8th day of the 4th month of the lunar calendar, which this year was Saturday, May 14. The Bathing Buddha Celebration also took place on this day. What made this year's Bathing Buddha Celebration at Seattle LSCTT even more festive and joyful than ever was the return of H.H. Supreme Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu and Shimu Lianxiang to Seattle on the evening of May 11, which marked the conclusion of six months of dharma propagation in Taiwan.

On May 14, it was only three days since Grandmaster and Shimu had returned to Seattle. However, prior to their return they had already been apart from Seattle disciples for six months while in Taiwan. Because Grandmaster and Shimu dearly missed the disciples they compassionately dined with everyone at the ''Grand Seattle Lei Tsang Temple Restaurant.'' Since Grandmaster is still convalescing from his recent illness, following the doctor's advice to get more rest, after dinner he went to the temple early to ''bathe buddha.''

Several youthful statues of Shakyamuni Buddha with one hand pointing to the sky and the other hand pointing to the earth were enshrined at the main temple. The splendid and magnificent shrine for the Bathing Buddha Ceremony was entirely decorated with fresh flowers of all colors, enhancing Shakyamuni Buddha's purity, solemnity, dignity, and serenity.

As offerings to the Buddha, the temple provided longevity buns, a huge birthday cake, scented water, longevity noodles etc. Disciples and devotees also brought fresh flowers and a variety of fruit as their sincere and heartfelt offerings to the Buddha. The temple was overflowing with this bountiful array of offerings which added much festivity to the celebration.

The Bathing Buddha Ceremony commenced timely at 8 pm at the main shrine of LSCTT. The temple was fully occupied with a large number of attendees. Besides disciples and visitors from various places, Master Shi Lianwang, Master Shi Lianjie, Master Shi Lianyue, Master Shi Lianyin, Master Shi Lianzai, Master Shi Lianhe, Master Shi Lianzhe, Master Shi Lianqing, Master Shi Lianwan, Master Shi Lianyu, Master Shi Lianyou, Master Shi Lianxi, Master Shi Lianyan, Master Shi Lianhua Bizhen and Senior Reverend Lianhua Chunlian were also present to support the ceremony. Many VIPs attended the ceremony as well: Ambassador Liao Dongzhou and his wife Judy, attorney Zhou Huifang, Dr Zhou Heng, TBF Accountant dharma sister Teresa and her husband.

Master Lianhua Dehui led a group cultivation of the Shakyamuni Buddha Personal Deity Practice which included reciting the Sutra on the Merits of Bathing Buddha. Everyone recited this sutra with great faith and dedicated the merit of the practice for the brilliance of the Buddha's light to purify the three karmic hindrances, to grant increased blessings and wisdom, and for all undertakings to be auspicious and all wishes to be fulfilled.

After the group cultivation, Master Lianhua Dehui announced that Master Liandeng departed for Buddha's Pure Land at around 2:00 am local time in Taiwan. In memory of Master Liandeng he invited Master Lianyue to share with everyone the details of Master Liandeng's passing.

Master Lianyue remarked that Master Liandeng was a highly accomplished Master who had tremendous respect for Grandmaster and the buddhadharma. According to Master Lianyue, while suffering his illness Master Liandeng never complained about the pain, thereby teaching everyone that, regardless of their current condition, everyone should face it peacefully. Master Liandeng believed that taking refuge in H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng was the most fortunate and happy event of his life. It was Master Liandeng's wish that everyone would cherish the True Buddha Tantric Dharma, face death gracefully, and be reborn.

Following Master Lianyue's remembrance of Master Liandeng, Reverend Lianye gave a teaching that bathing buddha enables one to cleanse one's karma and purify karmic hindrances of body, speech and mind. Everyone must also, in addition, practice repentance and cultivate diligently.

Master Dehui subsequently gave a further teaching that the Bathing Buddha Festival is to celebrate the birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha. The Buddha teaches us to ''Do no evil. Cultivate all good.'' Everyone must regularly perform good deeds, be kindhearted, and always practice altruism regardless of how small the gesture may be. The meaning of bathing buddha is to cleanse and purify karmic hindrances of body, speech and mind. The news of Master Liandeng's passing arrived today during lunch with Grandmaster and Shimu. In response to the news Grandmaster said: ''He will be reborn in the Pure Land.'' Master Liandeng was a great Master who practiced cultivation diligently and had tremendous respect for his teacher and the dharma. Let us now all pray to Golden Mother to bless Grandmaster for a speedy recovery. On our part, we will make various adjustments so that Grandmaster will not overwork himself.

Following the dharma talks by the masters and the reverend, the Bathing Buddha Ritual began. Immersed in the singing of this Buddha-praising verse:

''I now bathe tathagatas
May my wisdom be purified
May I be stately and amass great merit and virtue
May sentient beings with five contaminations be guided from impurity
And together attain the pure dharmakaya of tathagata''

everyone with great faith visualized themselves merging to become one with the Buddha and bathing themselves from the crown of their head down while bathing buddha with scented water. By bathing buddha, one cleanses and purifies one's karmic hindrances of body, speech and mind. It also enables blessings and roots of wisdom to grow, fulfills wishes, and brings brightness and auspiciousness to all undertakings.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, Master Dehui, on behalf of Grandmaster, bestowed refuge empowerment upon new disciples and blessed water to be Great Compassion Dharani Water. Masters then led everyone in cutting the cake and singing Happy Birthday to Shakyamuni Buddha. Everyone had a taste of the delicious birthday cake, scented water and longevity buns. Following the birthday party, a group photograph was taken as a memento. The Bathing Buddha Festival and the group cultivation then came to a perfect conclusion in an atmosphere of high spirits and great happiness.

LSCTT: Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple
TBF: True Buddha Foundation

Video Link:
Living Buddha Lian-sheng Bathing Buddha Video

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