''Be With Buddha'' Series, May 20th, 2016

May 20, 2016, Special coverage on the ''Be with Buddha'' series

【Seattle Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple News, Translated by Henry Wolf, Edited by DJ Chang】
Today Grandmaster shared some stimulating news that made everyone happy. Last night Shimo Bodhisattva appeared in Grandmaster's dream and gave him an ''injection.'' Master Lianjie, who was at the scene, excitedly asked Grandmaster ''Where?'' Grandmaster said it was in his arm. Joyful Master Lianjie then ''cutely'' asked ''What was the medicine?'' This question immediately triggered a big laugh from Grandmaster.

Grandmaster went on to say that recently, Shimu had not been sleeping well, so last night he specially requested Jade Pond Golden Mother's blessing to help Shimu sleep better. Grandmaster said that as Golden Mother was giving her blessing, Acalanatha unexpectedly appeared also. Together, Golden Mother and Acalanatha gave a powerful blessing for Grandmaster's health and for Shimu to sleep better. Grandmaster made a special point of mentioning that the Golden Mother and Acalanatha who came to give the blessing were the Golden Mother and Acalanatha from this Seattle ''founding temple!'' Master Liantze, who was standing to one side, asked ''Grandmaster, is everything now 'ok' between you and Golden Mother?'' Grandmaster responded to this question with a hearty laugh. Everyone knows that the strong bond of camaraderie forged between Grandmaster and Golden Mother is absolutely beyond any change whatsoever. After finishing lunch, Grandmaster went to the main temple to offer incense and make prostrations to Golden Mother and Acalanatha to thank them for their blessings and protection.

Since Grandmaster has been back in Seattle he has been undergoing a period of rest and recuperation, and he hasn't yet resumed his usual schedule of daily affairs at the True Buddha Foundation (TBF) office. However, at a little after 3:00 pm today, Grandmaster made a sudden visit to the TBF office. The reverends, masters, and everyone else that was there were all so surprised and happy to see Grandmaster. Without any advance notice, Grandmaster asked about the work everyone was doing, the progress being made, etc. Grandmaster was taking a great deal of interest in all the operations of the TBF.

After dinner, a group of disciples from England put on a marvelous and melodious ''White Tara'' dance performance for Grandmaster and Shimu. When disciples make any kind of sincere offering, Grandmaster intuitively grasps their intent and he is happy and deeply touched. We can see that Grandmaster's energy is improving day by day. The tone of his voice has completely recovered its previous resonance without the slightest trace of hoarseness. Grandmaster's lower left leg still shows signs of discomfort, but we believe that with the blessings of the buddhas and bodhisattvas and all the merit dedication being performed by disciples, Grandmaster will definitely remain in the world, have a long and healthy life, and continue to turn the giant dharmacakra for the purpose of saving sentient beings.

Shimo Bodhisattva: The bodhisattva reincarnation in the Pure Land of Guru's mother

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