May TBF Core Committee Conference

The Scheduled True Buddha Foundation (TBF) Core Committee Meeting was held at the Seattle Office

【Reported by TBF Core Committee in Seattle, Translated by Lynn Ang, Edited by Henry Wolf and DJ Chang 】
On May 16-17 a scheduled True Buddha Foundation (TBF) Core Committee meeting was held at the TBF office in Seattle. Committee members present were: The Meeting Chair and Deputy Successor of True Buddha School (TBS), Master Lianyue; Head of Supervisory Commission Department, Master Lianwang; Head of Secretarial Department, Master Lianjie; Head of Finance Department, Master Lianyin; Head of Dharma Activities Department, Master Lianzai; Head of General Affairs Department, Master Lianzhe; and Head of Publications Department, Master Lianhe. Master Lianning, successor of TBS, was the only absentee as he was conducting a consecration ceremony and presiding over a homa and in Sweden.

During the two-day meeting, lively discussions were held in an auspicious and peaceful atmosphere. From time to time, one could hear cheers and warm applause coming from the meeting room. The departmental heads worked diligently together to resolve the diverse problems facing TBS. They also focused on the macro-level development of TBS to work towards the overall improvement and outreach of TBS.

In accordance with standard procedure, the members first reviewed the proceedings of the March 2016 Core Committee meeting and verified the implementation status of the resolutions. Each of the seven department heads then reported on various significant events occurring within the scope of the March 2016 agenda items during the past two months. These reports by the department heads were followed by a discussion of the May 2016 meeting resolutions. The department heads delved into various general matters, internet-related matters, resolutions, special cases, and proposals brought up spontaneously. The members approved dozens of resolutions, the main contents of which are as follows:
As all required information has been provided, the application by disciples to establish a Cultivation Association in David City, Panama has been approved.
As all required information has been provided, the application for ordination by Lianhua Yuwei of the Association Culturelle Des Bouddhas-Verite in France has been approved.
The department heads highly praised and unanimously approved an application for Grandmaster's Corpus Promotion Team to commission a ''TBS Refuge Tree'' thangka.
Members discussed and approved matters relating to the retention, appointment and suspension of TBS dharma instructors and dharma assistants.
Members resolved to develop a set of general guidelines for TBS disciples to provide advice on how to handle certain situations they may encounter and to raise the overall TBS standard. All members have nominated Head of Dharma Activities Department, Master Lianzai to undertake the task of compiling the guidelines.
The department heads held an in depth discussion of the confusion caused by ''psychics'' who have tried to lead TBS disciples into deviating from the TBS lineage. TBF is advising all disciples to apply wisdom and good judgement and exercise right discernment of ''true and false.'' Disciples should not associate with those who disrupt the lineage, and should expose those so-called ''psychics'' who seek to trick disciples. We must all maintain the purity and authenticity of the TBS lineage and protect TBS disciples from those who would abuse or harm them.

The department heads all reflected on the significant matters above and resolved on how a ''Crisis Management Team'' should operate going forward. Time and again, TBS has survived and thrived in times of hardship. By repeatedly bearing the brunt of such attacks TBF has also gained maturity and strength.

During the remaining half day of the scheduled two-day Core Committee meeting, department heads discussed macro-level development, overall management, and the future direction and goals of TBS. They also discussed key areas for the improvement of TBS, especially as regards caring for Grandmaster's health and wellbeing and preventing Grandmaster from overworking himself. Everyone engaged in casual yet attentive conversation and the Core Committee meeting was held in an atmosphere of high spirits with members reaching mutual agreement and common understanding.

On the evening of May 17, the Core Committee meeting ended in a peaceful and auspicious atmosphere. Grandmaster and Shimu were briefed about the meeting over dinner. Grandmaster and Shimu compassionately provided invaluable advice and guidance to the Core Committee which brought the May 2016 Core Committee meeting to a perfect conclusion.

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。