''Be With Buddha'' Series, Jun. 2nd, 2016

Jun. 02, 2016, Special coverage on the 'Be with Buddha' series

【Seattle LSCTT News, Translated by Lynn Ang, Edited by Henry Wolf and DJ Chang】
Recently, a full restoration was carried out on the glazed roof of the founding temple. After nearly a week's effort, specially trained professionals hired for the project completely restored the roof to a new look. Under the azure sky, the golden-yellow glazed roof, in contrast with the lofty evergreen pine trees behind the temple, enhances the beauty of the excellent spiritual ground on which the temple is built.
During these last two days, Grandmaster pointed out that H. H. The Sixteenth Karmapa once discoursed: ''How does one differentiate a true master from a false one?'' Grandmaster responded, ''A true master does not seek fame or fortune, therefore one can always repay the master just as one wishes. A true master is unquestionably not someone who prefers the rich to the poor. True masters try their best to serve the poor without thinking of fame and fortune, practice equality, and allow everything to come and go naturally.''

To a truly awakened person, worldly wealth and fame are useless. Therefore, to a true master, anything apart from propagating the dharma, such as fame, fortune, power, and position, is unreal.

A false master will have a ''territorial'' concept. There is always a price tag attached to every single matter as he charges for everything. It seems he cannot utter a single word without mentioning money. A false master will actively expand his power and influence, even to the extent of keeping the temple and cultivation venue to himself. A false master is greedy and takes advantage of every opportunity to make money from sentient beings or cultivation venues. Grandmaster further said ''In this way, a false master sticks out like a sore thumb from a true master.''

Grandmaster continuously gives teachings to his disciples. Regardless of whether a matter is worldly or not, one should always apply the wisdom of buddhadharma in exercising one's judgment. One will encounter those whose behavior contradicts Buddhist teachings and who are greedy and full of worldly craving. Although they conduct themselves ''in the name of buddha'' in reality, their behavior is self-interested and lascivious. To avoid being taken advantage of financially, disciples must apply judgement with pure, unobscured wisdom.

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