Please do not make dragon vest offerings to Grandmaster
【Seattle News/Reported by Lianyu】`
During lunch on Sep. 15th, 2016, Grandmaster mentioned that his closets, cabinets, storerooms, and even the headboard of his house, are all filled with dragon vests that have been presented to him by disciples, offered throughout years. He has such a large amount of dragon vests that there are enough in various styles to fill up another house!
Shimu also expressed a concern that some dragon vests offered by disciples from many other countries don't fit and are either too wide, too large, too long, or too short. Grandmaster would look like ''The Old Man,'' a cartoon character, if he was to wear them it. In addition, the fabric and pattern of some of the vests are not proper for Grandmaster to wear, although they look very pretty. Therefore, it is a waste and a great pity!
Every dragon vest represents a disciple's love and respect. Each one has been offered with sincerity and appreciation. Sadly the vests now lie unused in piles and piles everywhere in the house of Grandmaster and Shimu, causing them much angst and a heavy heart.
We are hence requesting that all disciples temporarily stop the dragon vest offering until further notice. A notice will be sent out to everyone when they can resume the offering.