[True Buddha Foundation (TBF) News] True Buddha Foundation calls on everyone to follow Grand Master


[True Buddha Foundation (TBF) News] True Buddha Foundation calls on everyone to follow Grand Master Sheng-Yen Lu teaching of Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Impartiality to provide relief to the Typhoon Haiyan disaster victims and help survivors to recover and rebuild their homes.

[TBF News] Super Typhoon Haiyan crashed across the central islands of the Philippines on November 8 and caused significant damage in its path. Philippines officials confirmed that the storm caused approximately 480,000 people lost their homes across 36 provinces. According to reports, Typhoon Haiyan may have killed 10,000 or more people and the total death toll could increase once roads and communication lines are repaired. The heavy storm destroyed and flooded many structures and buildings, blocked roads, downed power and communication lines, and caused landslides and mudslides. Due to difficulty of distributing relief supplies, there were many lootings in the affected areas. Many homeless survivors roved as the walking dead in looking for food to eat.

During a discussion in regarding to the disaster relief efforts, all committees expressed their enthusiasm to assist people who were affected by Typhoon Haiyan but also hope the Philippine Government can respect Taiwanese Government and people and kindly treat Taiwanese fishing boats and fish men.
True Buddha Foundation calls on all True Buddha School (TBS) temples and chapters and disciples to follow Grand Master teaching of Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Impartiality to provide relief to the disaster victims and help survivors to recover and rebuild their homes. Everybody ought to recite the Great Relief for Calamities Mantra and practice True Buddha Tantra Dharma, every TBS temple and chapter shall conduct Bardo Deliverance Ceremony or Dharma Assembly and transfer all the merits acquired from the above activities to the afflicts souls of the Typhoon Haiyan victims as such: ’ Souls of the calamity victims be rid of fear and be delivered to the Pure Land of Buddha; may the disaster relief work and recovery and rebuilding work proceed smoothly without a hitch.’

Disaster relief through monetary donation can be made in the following ways: Be sure to indicate on the remittance paperwork that the donated money is intended for ’ Philippine Disaster Relief Fund’ True Buddha Foundation will appropriate the fund to World Lotus Light Charity Foundation. The fund will henceforth be funneled to the International Disaster Relief Foundation.

(1) Via Internet (True Buddha School Nets) with Credit Card donation: http://www.tbsn.org
(2) By remittance: make check payment payable to ’ True Buddha Foundation’
Mailing address: 17110 NE 40TH COURT, REDMOND, WA 98052, U.S.A.
Telephone: (425)885-7573 Fax: (425)885-2173

Thanks to all temples, chapters and fellow devotees for evoking the compassion to save the victimized sentient beings!

World True Buddha Foundation Board of Committees

Translated by Randy Wang

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