Another Jackpot Winner

Maintain one-pointedness of mind and return from ''one'' to zero.
One must cultivate the above diligently to liberate body and mind.

Grandmaster announced great news! By inviting the ''Great Fortune Vajra,'' another True Buddha School (TBS) disciple won the lottery jackpot and second prize!

【Reported by Master Liandian in Nantou, Translated by Lynn Ang, Edited by Henry Wolf and DJ Chang】On February 18, 2017, H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng presided over a Prajnaparamita Homa Ceremony at Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple. During the ceremony Living Buddha Lian-sheng announced that another TBS disciple won the lottery jackpot and second prize! Grandmaster further explained that the reason this fortunate disciple won the lottery jackpot and second prize was because, during the Lunar New Year, he invited the ''Great Fortune Vajra'' instead of the Wealth God to his house when ''inviting the Wealth God using a golden egg.''

Today, Grandmaster's primary school classmate Mr. Huang Longzhi, Village Chief of Kaohsiung Xinxing District Mr. Yung Shunfu, and an alumnus of Datong Primary School all came to visit Grandmaster at Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple.

Grandmaster again reminded disciples that his ebooks can now be downloaded from the True Buddha Wisdom Trove website:

Quite a number of disciples attended today's ceremony and received the blessing of purity restoration. Those who are prone to disturbances by spirits should be vigilant and take precautionary measures. If one suffers from insomnia or low quality sleep for more than four consecutive days one is prone to attachment by evil spirits.

Living Buddha Lian-sheng then discoursed today's Principal Deity, Prajnaparamita.
The essence of the Prajnaparamita Sutra is condensed into the Diamond Sutra and the essence of the Diamond Sutra is further condensed into the Heart Sutra.

One pair of Prajnaparamita's hands form the Amitabha Meditation Mudra. Another right hand holds a gold nine-pronged vajra scepter while another left hand holds the Prajnaparamita Sutra.
Prajnaparamita is the Buddha Mother of all buddhas. Hence, she has tremendous dharma power and bestows infinite, unlimited wisdom. Also, all Buddha Mothers originally emerge from Prajnaparamita Buddha Mother.

【Prajnaparamita Mantra :】
The meaning of this mantra is that through great wisdom one reaches the other shore.

Father Tantra represents skillful means while Mother Tantra represents wisdom.

The Buddha's wisdom is the most profound. Prajna means wisdom, the wisdom of emptiness.
By mastering one-pointedness one is able to accomplish everything.
Remain undistracted. When one's thoughts are stilled Amitabha will appear just by thinking of him.
While one is in the state of emptiness, light will manifest. When the ''black paint bucket'' (body and mind) is smashed the dharma flow of the universe will descend.
Once a practitioner transforms ''one'' into ''zero,'' emptiness, body and mind are liberated. Return from ''one'' to ''zero'' and from ''zero'' return to the Dao.

However, this is easier said than done. For example, when one recites the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra one may sometimes be interrupted by drifting thoughts while at other times one's thoughts are still.

One must cultivate to the point of ''non-distraction.'' Liberation of body and mind can then be attained.
One starts with expedient means and practices concentration until the attainment of liberation. Once body and mind are liberated one attains the path to nirvana which is also the path to enlightenment. This is the meaning of the syllables '' bo-dhi。so-ha'' in the Prajnaparamita Mantra.

Atisha's ''The Graded Path for the Three Types of Individuals'' refers to the different teaching methods suitable for the three types of practitioners with different levels of spiritual aspiration.

The human world is full of suffering and suffering itself is emptiness. Everything is constantly changing and transforming. It's through this understanding that one can be ''selfless.'' Incorporating wisdom into selflessness is the path to enlightenment.

Ultimately, the goal of one's spiritual cultivation is to return to one's ''original face,'' to merge into brilliant light.

Kindly note: Everyone is welcome to register as ceremony main supplicants for the upcoming April 16 White Tara Ceremony organized by Xinzhu Fuyou Lei Tsang Temple. Living Buddha Lian-sheng will conduct the debut transmission of this practice.
Kindly contact event planning personnel for registration.

!!Please be aware that before engaging in any True Buddha Vajrayana practices, one must first take refuge and receive the respective empowerment.!!

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