Three, Yes, Three New English Editions of Grandmaster's Books Available 9/8 - 9/9

Great News! Three, Yes, Three New English Editions of Grandmaster's Books Available 9/8 - 9/9

Thanks to the hard work of True Buddha Translation Team - English volunteers and the assistance of the US Daden Culture publisher, the English edition of Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu Book 196, Refreshing Messages, Book 240, Gateway to Infinite Dharma Treasure, and Book 254, one of the three must-read books instructed by Grandmaster, The Most Glorious Realization, will be available for purchase on site during the two-day ceremony weekend of 9/8 and 9/9. On the morning of 9/9, Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu will be at Rainbow Temple to autograph these three books for readers. Come join this once yearly event and have a lot of fun.


Book 254, The Most Glorious Realization

~ In my mind, I am not going to hold on to these messy and disorderly things.
Accidental drops are fine.
No accidental drop is also fine.
The past will not come back, the now will become the past, and the future has not yet arrived!
Nothing truly exists. (There is nothing gained and nothing lost.) ~

~ I:
Have no gain or loss.
What remains is just the Buddha-essence from before the beginning of time.
What is ''fully loaded'' is the Buddha-essence.
Not a heap of papers. ~

~ I have understood:
When I die, I cannot take a dime with me. There is not a single item I can take with me.
No extravagance.
Only nirvana and stillness. ~

~ Dharma teacher Master Sheng-yen of Dharma Drum Mountain wrote a poem before passing away, and the last sentence was:
''Both birth and death can be discarded.''
I have altered it to:
''There is neither birth nor death to discard.''
Because I have realized that life is in reality without birth or death. People who believe there is birth and death have not reached enlightenment. ~

~ What I would like to tell everyone is this:
Infinite secret power originates from an infinite heart of compassion, an infinite vow of compassion, an infinite sincerity, an infinite affability, an infinite Buddha-essence, and an infinite vast spaciousness. ~

~Let me tell everyone:
In the human world, I only have love and no hatred!
Because I have no enemies, I have no need to fight or scheme against others.
I have realized:
People who have affinity with me are my fathers from past lives, mothers from past lives, family members from past lives, benefactors from past lives, relatives and friends from past lives, students from past lives, karmic enemies and creditors from past lives...
I am here to pay a debt of gratitude!
I am here to untie the knot of enmity!
I am here to neutralize the karma!
All of these are just momentary, illusory manifestations, insubstantial, and do not truly exist. ~

Book 254, The Most Glorious Realization, will be available for purchase on site during the two-day ceremony weekend of 9/8 and 9/9. On the morning of 9/9, Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu will be at Rainbow Temple to autograph this book for readers. Come join this once yearly event and have a lot of fun.


Book 240, Gateway to Infinite Dharma Treasure

~ This book does not contain long-winded theories. I will not use deep Buddhist terminology, nor will I lecture or preach. I just want to explain what I have achieved during my own practice, using the simplest language.
Remove branches and leaves.
Directly to the point.
Not talking much.
Only the essence. ~

~ The most important thing as a cultivator is being ''single-minded.'' First become aware of the Buddha-nature. Then we must keep in mind and constantly practice, also known as maintaining one's practice after awakening. This is ''single-minded,'' and being ''single-minded'' is very important. ~

~ The key point of my article is ''life is a drama.'' Only in this way, can one be in an ''unoccupied'' mood, be of ''no-thought'' attitude, and enter the ''single-minded'' Samadhi (meditation). ~

~ ''Perseverance'' is necessary in one's whole life. Myriad practices subsumed in the six perfections are inseparable from ''perseverance.''
I have many disciples who have ''awakened their minds,'' but still a lot of them show worldly attachments. It is very difficult to transcend the six paths of reincarnation. I advise all holy disciples to exercise ''perseverance,'' ''Instantaneous cessation'' and ''Instantaneously transcend'' all temptations. Only then can one's Buddha-nature appear naturally. ~

~ Someone asked me, ''How do you witness the Buddha-nature?''
I replied, ''Naturally.''
''Why is it natural? Doesn't one discover Buddha-nature through perseverance?''
''No! As long as one removes deluded thoughts, the Buddha-nature is right there.''
I emphasize:
The Buddha-nature always exists.
The Buddha-nature is immaculate and bright.
The Buddha-nature does not depend on cultivation.
One does not cultivate Buddha-nature. The Buddha-nature will appear naturally as long as one cultivates with perseverance and achieves no mind. ~

Book 240, Gateway to Infinite Dharma Treasure , will be available for purchase on site during the two-day ceremony weekend of 9/8 and 9/9. On the morning of 9/9, Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu will be at Rainbow Temple to autograph this book for readers. Come join this once yearly event and have a lot of fun.


Book 196, Refreshing Messages

~ This book was written to answer sentient beings' questions. There weren't any problems originally, but once asked by sentient beings, it seems there are lots of problems.

Therefore, I am ''someone of no matters,'' answering questions that ''are not matters.'' ~

Following are some examples of many questions answered by Grandmaster in the book:
Is Buddhadharma just about doing good deeds?
How to identify a great, virtuous spiritual guide?
Where did one come from? Where will one go? What is one's life about?
How does one become happy?
Is Padmakumara real or just fantasy?
Is buddha an ''alien?''
To practice cultivation, must we become vegetarians?
The answer to ''true suchness''
Which mountain is Mount Sumeru?
What is ''enlightenment?''
And more…

Book 196, Refreshing Messages, will be available for purchase on site during the two-day ceremony weekend of 9/8 and 9/9. On the morning of 9/9, Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu will be at Rainbow Temple to autograph this book for readers. Come join this once yearly event and have a lot of fun.

Interested readers who are unable to attend the ceremonies in person, please contact US Daden by email,

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「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。