2022 Release of Four New English Editions of Grandmaster's Books

Great News!! Thanks to the hard work of the True Buddha Translation Team - English for Grandmaster Corpus and Yi Fu Publications, we are happy to announce that during this Fall Ceremony, English editions of four new and one reprint of Grandmaster’s books will be released. Additionally, there will be a ceremony themed booklet of special interest to potential translators and others.

To celebrate this great news, at Rainbow Temple, there will be a Welcome-the-Latest-and-Appreciate-Previous Book Sale Event - Purchase one of the latest books, and for an additional $5, get a previous book as a bonus. Moreover, a book signing event (Chinese and English) by Grandmaster is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 20, 2022, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm.

Please note: Only one book signing event will be held during the weekend of the ceremony. Please don’t miss the opportunity.

The new releases are:

  1. Book 214, The Sword of the Yogi.
  2. Book 266, Golden Wisdom.
  3. Book 275, Pith Teaching on the Path of Liberation.
  4. Dzogchen, The Nine Stages of the Great Perfection (Volume 1).
The reprint is:
  1. Book 145, Living this Moment in Purity
.The ceremony themed booklet is:
  1. Excerpt of 10 chapters of Book 283, Thousands of Dharma Vessels.

Please share this wonderful news with everyone and come by the Yi Fu Publication booth at Rainbow Temple to get a copy of the new releases during the weekend of Aug. 20, 2022. Interested disciples who are unable to attend the ceremonies in person may also submit a book request directly to yifupublications@gmail.com.

Disciples who are interested in joining the True Buddha Translation Team - English for Grandmaster Corpus, please contact the team by email, tbtts.article@gmail.com.

Book 214, The Sword of the Yogi

The Sword of THE YOGI - Book #214



"I asked White Tara for further advice and teachings. White Tara finally said: "Please read this book carefully, engrave it upon your heart, and contemplate it time and time again." "Is this book important?" "The most important!" White Tara answered.
Excerpt from The Sword of THE YOGI

As directed by White Tara, Book #214 - The Sword of THE YOGI is one of the most important books Grand Master Lu has written specifically for True Buddha Disciples. In a clear and concise manner, Grand Master Lu expounds the teachings from White Tara on how to achieve true success in cultivation and navigate through today’s world filled with endless afflictions and suffering!

White Tara is the White Dakini and also called Seven-eyed Buddha Mother. She emanated from a compassionate teardrop of Guanyin and is one of the 21 Taras. As White Tara is a Buddha Mother transformed from the teardrop of Guanyin, White Tara and Guanyin have the same origin and both compassionately save sentient beings. The essential meaning of the color white is eradication of disasters. It means the eradication of calamities and difficulties and the ability to annihilate the evil karmic hindrances of sentient beings. White Tara and Grand Master Lu have a deep and profound affinity. The Sword of the Yogi (Book 214) is entirely the teachings of White Tara. It is White Tara's teaching on Vajrayana precepts. Reading The Sword of the Yogi will keep you on the right path to attainment.

Stop by the Yi Fu Publication booth at Rainbow Temple to get a copy of this new release during the weekend of Aug. 20, 2022.
Interested disciples who are unable to attend the ceremonies in person may also submit a book request directly to yifupublications@gmail.com.

Book 266, Golden Wisdom
Maha Twin Lotus Ponds, the Pure Land of Padmakumara, was manifested by Amitabha and is located
inside Amitabha’s Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

My birth into the world is to save sentient beings.

I understand my divine destiny – I have to learn that which is still unknown to humans and then
pass it along.

I have to solve the unimaginable problems and provide the unimaginable answers to the sentient

I have to develop great strength and power, to save all beings from suffering while in the
mundane world.

I have to carry out tasks that people cannot do.

I have to penetrate the mystery of birth and death, to be liberated from birth and death, and then
pass these methods to my students.

If you would like a deeper understanding of Grandmaster’s golden wisdom, you should read this book.

Come by the Yi Fu Publication booth at Rainbow Temple to get a copy of the new releases during the weekend of Aug. 20, 2022.

Interested disciples who are unable to attend the ceremonies in person may also submit a book request directly to yifupublications@gmail.com.

Book 275, Pith Teaching on the Path of Liberation
Nowadays, there seems to be an endless supply of books explaining how to practice the spiritual path. Unfortunately, these books often lack a clear and practical explanation of how to reach the final stage of total liberation because authors do not write from a stage of actual, authentic attainment, or they leave key teachings out of their explanations.

However, Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-Yen Lu, the author of this book, Pith Teachings on the Path to Liberation, walked the entire path starting from a point of poverty and a cruel, abusive environment to eventually reaching the highest state of liberation. Grandmaster is therefore able to clearly explain, step by step, how to reach the final stage of complete enlightenment. Most importantly, Grandmaster selflessly shares his precious experience gained through cultivation.

In this book, using language that is clear, direct, and easy to comprehend, Grandmaster reveals many secret practices for the benefit of sentient beings. For example, in cultivation, the first path one should undertake is the Path of Accumulation. Therefore, in Chapter 4, Grandmaster explains in detail the key cultivation formula of the Path of Accumulation. In Chapter 7, Grandmaster reveals the secret of the Great Bliss Offering. In Chapters 13-17, he thoroughly explains the key cultivation formula of personal deity practice. The key cultivation formulas of higher level practices such as Non-leakage Practice, Vajra Chanting, Treasure Vase Breathing, Inner Fire, Light Drops, Bardo Deliverance, Emerging Pure Light, etc. are also expounded throughout the book.

If you are interested in increasing good fortune, eliminating karmic hindrances, perceiving the universally shining light of the cosmic consciousness, and swiftly attaining Buddhahood, please come by the Yi Fu Publication booth at Rainbow Temple to get a copy of Book 275 during the weekend of Aug. 20, 2022. You may also submit a book request directly to yifupublications@gmail.com.

Dzogchen, The Nine Stages of the Great Perfection (Volume 1)
Just as Mount Everest is the highest summit on earth, the Great Perfection teachings are the pinnacle of Vajrayana.

From June 2, 2013 to May 28, 2016, following weekly homa ceremonies and group cultivation sessions, Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-Yen Lu, discoursed the Great Perfection. This first volume contains discourses 1-23 of this series. In his teachings, Grandmaster explains the meaning of the outer three stages, the inner three stages, and the supreme three stages. Collectively, these stages represent the nine-stage practice of the Nyingma School. These nine stages encompass the entirety of the Vajrayana teachings. In his discourses, Grandmaster explains profound concepts such as trekchö (the thorough cut) and tögal (passing over), thus providing a rarely encountered and extremely valuable introduction to the Great Perfection.

Rich with personal anecdotes and lucid insights, and infused with Grandmaster’s light-hearted humor, this collection of teachings is a priceless gift of compassion and wisdom, and a great blessing from H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng to sentient beings.

Stop by the Yi Fu Publication booth at Rainbow Temple to get a copy of this new release during the weekend of Aug. 20, 2022.
Interested disciples who are unable to attend the ceremonies in person may also submit a book request directly to yifupublications@gmail.com.

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。