Interaction is Power has been reopened!!

【#TBSN Announcement】Great News! Interaction Is Power has been Reopened!

True Buddha School (TBS) Root Lineage Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu discoursed, “Supplicating for turning the Dharma wheel is the same as praying to buddha to stay long in the world. As long as a buddha is in the world, they will turn the Dharma wheel. For example, by answering questions in the series You Ask and I Answer [Interaction is Power (IIP)], Grandmaster has been turning the Dharma wheel. Supplicate buddha to turn the Dharma wheel. Supplicate buddha to stay long in the world. Constantly follow and learn from buddha. The time we humans have to study and learn Buddhism is very limited, so we must make every effort to learn about buddha, study the Buddhadharma, and perform good deeds.”

TBS disciples are very fortunate to have Grandmaster, a contemporary Dharma King, to personally answer their questions during his Dharma discourses! For this reason, the IIP has been reopened, and we welcome everyone to supplicate buddha to discourse the Dharma, turn the Dharma wheel, and stay long in the world!

#Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting questions to the IIP

TBSN asks disciples to adhere to following guidelines when submitting questions to the IIP:

  1. Those submitting questions should provide their full name/Dharma name, and country of residence (if it is inconvenient for Grandmaster to reveal the submitter’s name, the submitter should make a note to that effect).
  2. In case staff need clarification of the question, please provide an accurate email address.
  3. Questions are limited to practices publicly transmitted by Grandmaster or of the second empowerment or below.
  4. Requesting Dharma is a serious matter, so disciples should follow appropriate etiquette. Please do not ask Grandmaster about practices or mantras that have not been publicly transmitted.
  5. There is a limit of three questions per submission. Please do your best to simplify questions. If one person raises several questions in one submission, only the question(s) of most benefit to sentient beings will be selected for the Q&A. Therefore, when asking questions, please ask your most important question first.
  6. Letters requesting remote empowerment or refuge should be written to the True Buddha Foundation (TBF) Reply Center in Seattle with an offering attached because those seeking refuge will need to receive a certificate of refuge.
  7. Please follow up Grandmaster’s IIP discourse and the information on the dedicated TBSN webpage. We have been instructed not to repeat questions. Therefore, if Grandmaster has already answered a question or a similar question, the question will not be submitted to Grandmaster again.

If you agree to the above guidelines, please follow this link to fill out the question submission form:

Disciples who have benefited from Grandmaster’s answers are welcome to make a dharma offering by dedicating the merit of their practice and mantra recitations to Grandmaster, or make any other kind of offering to Grandmaster.

Finally, prior to submitting questions, we ask disciples to do their best to find answers to their questions on the internet or TBSN. Disciples should carefully study Grandmaster’s discourses and Dharma King Lian-sheng’s answers on “True Buddha Tantric Dharma-IIP” to see if their question has already been answered. If one is unable to find an answer to one’s question, one may go ahead and ask the question

If one’s question has to do with TBS dharma affairs, or concerns a strictly personal matter, please forward the question directly to the True Buddha Foundation Reply Center:
True Buddha Foundation
Address:17110 NE 40th CT, Redmond, WA 98052, USA.
Tel:(425) 885-7573
Fax:(425) 883-2173
Below is a no-reply email address for blessing request only:
To avoid redundancy, if one has forwarded a request by email prior to mailing a request letter or a donation by regular mail, please note the date of the emailed request in the letter posted by regular mail.

Best Regards,
True Buddha Foundation Publication Dept.
Jan. 26, 2022

Translated by TBTTs
Translator: Henry Wolf
Editor: DJ Chang

天佑LA ~ 讓我們一起為洛杉磯祈福Let′s Pray for LA 「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。