Jihai Year Amitabha Buddha Calamity Eradication and Bardo Deliverance Ceremony

Respectfully Invite Root Lineage Guru HH Living Buddha Lian-sheng to Preside Over the Ceremony

【Debut Transmission of Milarepa Uncommon Principal Deity Practice and Discourse the Key Cultivation Formula for Raising Inner Fire after Attainment of Spiritual Union with the Personal Deity!!】

In deep meditation, Living Buddha Lian-sheng paid homage to Patriarch Milarepa and received empowerment and teachings from him.

Many readers had tears in their eyes while reading Milarepa's biography. To remove his karmic hindrances, Marpa, Milarepa's guru, often beat, criticized, and disciplined him. Because of his strong faith, Milarepa was able to endure and carry on.

Milarepa cultivated in the White Rock Horse Tooth cave, a lonely cave in the wilderness of Drakar Taso. For 12 years, he wore ragged clothing and had only nettles for food. Never losing faith in the Buddhist path, he accomplished the inner fire samadhi and attained Buddhahood in his very body.

Milarepa's life story and his songs of realization not only contain supreme teachings of Buddhism, but also have inspired the bodhicitta of countless posterity.

Date: Aug. 24, 2019 (July 24 of lunar calendar)
Time: Saturday, 2:00 PM
Location: Meydenbauer Center
11100 NE 6th Street, Bellevue, WA 98004 U.S.A.

(The ceremony is open to the public with no admission charge. Parking at the Meydenbauer Center will be free on the day of the ceremony as Seattle LSCTT has already prepaid the parking fee. If the parking lot is full, one will need to park at nearby parking garages with fee.)

How to register:
Starting immediately, everyone is welcome to register for the ceremony either in person at the Seattle LSCTT or by mail. Please download the registration forms here and be sure to include both name and address on the registration form. To register by mail, please mail the completed registration forms to the Seattle LSCTT. To register by email, the email address is webmaster@tbsseattle.org. The registration fee is on a voluntary donation basis.
Welcome everyone to register and attend the ceremony so that all will benefit from this Dharma event and bathe in the buddha's brilliance!
Note: Please submit registration forms in time to be received by 8/10/2019.

Check Payee: Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple
Address: Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple, 17012 NE 40th Ct., Redmond WA, 98052 U.S.A.
Telephone Inquiry: (425) 882-0916
Fax: (425) 883-7360
Website: https://www.tbsseattle.org/english/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/tbsseattle.org

Translated by True Buddha Translation Team
Translator: DJ Chang
Editor: Henry Wolf

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