TBS Masters Pray Together for Guru Buddha to Stay in the World

《2021.2.7 ~12pm Update》
As of February 7th, 2021, 44 masters will carry out 47 homa, water offering, and dharma ceremonies during this True Buddha School Month of Repaying Kindness, to pray with one heart for Guru Buddha to stay in the world.

Sincerely reciting heart mantra 10,000 times
Make this vast offering and pray to Amitayus Buddha
For Guru Buddha to be healthy and live long in the world
Benefiting and bringing joy to infinite sentient beings

【12th Lunar Month of the Geng-zi Year - True Buddha School’s Month of Repaying the Guru Buddha’s Kindness】

True Buddha Foundation (TBF) is calling on True Buddha School (TBS) disciples around the world to recite the Amitayus Buddha (Longevity Buddha) Mantra together, praying for our Guru Buddha to stay long in the world.

TBF is also calling on TBS masters to join this event by conducting Amitayus Buddha fire or water offerings, making vast offerings, and dedicating the merit to Root Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng remaining in the world, being healthy and unhindered, and forever turning the Dharma wheel to benefit and bring joy to infinite sentient beings.

The following is a list of masters participating in this event and their ceremony information (The ceremony information and the live webcast link of the ceremony will be continuously updated. All dates are the local time of where the ceremony is held, unless otherwise stated.)

Jan. 17, 2021 (Dec. 5 of the lunar calendar)

  1. Taiwan, Sanyi Temple (三義雷藏寺) will conduct an Amitayus Buddha Ceremony.

Jan. 21, 2021 (Dec. 9 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Brazil, Zendi Temple (真諦雷藏寺, Templo Zenti do Budismo Rea): Master Shi Lianjia (釋蓮伽上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa, with live webcast via Zoom at 4:00PM Brazilian time.

Jan. 23, 2021 (Dec. 11 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Malaysia, Master Lianhua Chengzu (蓮花程祖上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa at 4:00PM.
  2. Indonesia, Dajue Chapter (大覺堂, Cetiya Padma Suci): Master Shi Lianyang (釋蓮樣上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa at 3:00PM Taiwan time. Live-webcast link: https://youtube.com/c/ViharaPadmaSuciDajueTang.
  3. Master Lianqin (釋蓮勤上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.

Jan. 24, 2021 (Dec. 12 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Dallas, TX, USA, Kalachakra Buddha Association (三輪雷藏寺): Master Shi Lianyang (釋蓮央上師) will conduct an Amitayus Buddha Water Offering Ceremony at 2:00 PM.
    Live-webcast link: https://youtu.be/NhdD-UCvBEk.
  2. Master Shi Lianyu (釋蓮育上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.
  3. Taiwan, Yizhi Cultivation Association (一智同修會): Master Shi Lezhi (釋樂智上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.
  4. USA, Sacramento True Buddha Temple (薩迦雷藏寺): Master Shi Lianqi (釋蓮琪上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.

Jan. 25, 2021 (Dec. 13 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Indonesia, Shenglun Temple (聖輪雷藏寺, Vihara Vajra Bumi Sriwijaya): Master Shi Lianyuan (釋蓮元上師), Master Shi Lianpu (釋蓮菩上師), and Master Shi Lianzui (釋蓮最上師) will conduct an Amitayus Buddha Homa Ceremony.
    Live-webcast link: https://fb.me/e/IrvHlbbj.
  2. USA, Sacramento True Buddha Temple (薩迦雷藏寺): Master Shi Liancai (釋蓮才上師), will perform an Amitayus Buddha Water Offering.
  3. Taiwan, Xianghua Temple (香華雷藏寺): Master Shi Lianjie (釋蓮傑上師) will conduct an Amitayus Buddha Homa Ceremony at 8:00PM.
  4. Master Shi Lianjiu (釋蓮舅上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.

Jan. 26, 2021 (Dec. 14 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Indonesia, Yuanyue Chapter (圓月堂, Vihara Satya Buddha Purnama): Master Shi Lianzu (釋蓮祖上師) will conduct an Amitayus Buddha Homa Ceremony.
    Live webcast link: https://youtu.be/ib_wIQKVhCM
  2. Taiwan, Xianghua Temple (香華雷藏寺): Master Shi Lianjie (釋蓮傑上師) will conduct an Amitayus Buddha Homa Ceremony at 8:00PM.

Jan. 27, 2021 (Dec. 15 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Taiwan, Jinji Temple (金極雷藏寺): Master Shi Lianlai (釋蓮郲上師) will conduct an Amitayus Buddha Homa Ceremony.
  2. Malaysia, Prajna Temple (般若雷藏寺, Persekutuan Agama Buddha Tantrayana Chen Foh Chong): Master Shi Lianfu (釋蓮夫上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.
  3. Taiwan, Xianghua Temple (香華雷藏寺): Master Shi Lianjie (釋蓮傑上師) will conduct an Amitayus Buddha Homa Ceremony at 8:00PM.

Jan. 28, 2021 (Dec. 16 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Shanxi Group Cultivation Association (善喜同修會): Master Shi Lianxing (釋蓮型上師) will conduct an Amitayus Buddha Feast Offering.

Jan. 30th, 2021 (Dec. 18 lunar calendar)
  1. Brazil, Zendi Temple (真諦雷藏寺, Templo Zenti do Budismo Rea): Master Shi Lianhe (釋蓮訶上師), will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.
  2. Japan, Zhuji Temple (住吉雷藏寺): Master Lianhua Jingxiang (釋蓮花靜香上師), will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.
  3. Indonesia, Dajue Chapter (大覺堂, Cetiya Padma Suci): Master Shi Lianjin (釋蓮妗上師), will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.
    Live webcast link: https://youtube.com/c/ViharaPadmaSuciDajueTang.
  4. Malaysia, Falun Temple (法輪雷藏寺, Persatuan Fatt Lung Tang): Master Shi Lianyun (釋蓮允上師), will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.
    Live webcast link: fb.com/tbs.falun
  5. Master Shi Lianjin (釋蓮僅上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa at 2:00PM.
  6. Indonesia Pontianak, Zhende Temple (真德雷藏寺, Vihara Vajra Bumi Kertayuga): Master Shi Lianyang (釋蓮養上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa at 7:00PM.
  7. Taiwan, Benshi Chapter (本師堂學會): Master Shi Lianji (釋蓮籍上師) will conduct a group cultivation of Amitayus Principal Deity Practice at 8:30 PM.
  8. Hong Kong, Lianfeng Chapter (蓮豐堂): Master Shi Lianqi (釋蓮器上師) and Master Shi Lianxin (釋蓮馨上師) will conduct an Amitayus Principal Deity Group Cultivation Practice and Great Offering.
  9. Master Shi Lianqin (釋蓮勤上師) will carry out an Amitayus Buddha Homa.

Jan. 31st, 2021 (Dec. 19 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Dallas, TX, USA, Kalachakra Buddha Association (三輪雷藏寺): Master Shi Lianzhen (釋蓮鎮上師) will conduct an Amitayus Buddha Homa Ceremony. Live webcast link: https://youtu.be/DKMv0Utqhkc
  2. Taiwan, Sanyi Temple (三義雷藏寺) will conduct an Amitayus Buddha Dharma Ceremony.
  3. Canada, Pai Yuin Temple (白雲雷藏寺): Master Shi Lianming (釋蓮鳴上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.
  4. Indonesia Temple (印尼雷藏寺, Vihara Vajra Bumi Nusantara): Master Shi Lianfei (釋蓮飛上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa at 9:30AM. Live-webcast link: https://youtu.be/V5PjplylQsY.

Feb.1, 2021 (Dec. 20 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Malaysia, Prajna Temple (般若雷藏寺, Persekutuan Agama Buddha Tantrayana Chen Foh Chong Malaysia): Master Shi Liantai (釋蓮太上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.

Feb. 2, 2021 (Dec. 21 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Taiwan, Zhong Guan Chapter (中觀堂): Master Lianyue (釋蓮悅上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa at 2:00 PM.
  2. Canada, PTT Buddhist Temple (菩提雷藏寺): Master Lianxian (蓮現上師) will perform an Amitayus Water Offering.

Feb. 3, 2021 (Dec. 22 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Brunei, Yuanyin Chapter (圓音堂): Master Lianyou (釋蓮又上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Feast Offering Group Practice.
  2. Hong Kong, Zungui Chapter (尊貴堂): Master Lianqing (蓮檠上師) and Lotus Peiwen (蓮花珮雯) will carry out an Amitayus Principal Deity Practice.

Feb. 4, 2021 (Dec. 23 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Hong Kong, Universal Enlightenment Buddhist Association (普明同修會): Master Lianhua Shaodong (蓮花少東上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.
  2. Taiwan, Dayuan Association (大願學會): Master Lianye (蓮耶上師) will carry out an Amitayus Buddha Homa at 5pm.

Feb. 6, 2021 (Dec. 25 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Indonesia, Guangming Temple (光明雷藏寺, Vihara Vajra Bumi Arama): Master Shi Lianfei (釋蓮飛上師), will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.
  2. Canada, Lotus Light Lei Zang Temple (華光雷藏寺): Master Lianci (蓮慈上師) will perform an Amitayus Fire Offering at 10:30am. Live webcast link: https://youtube.com/channel/UC24kX1NZRAFpYY57hzHSXkQ
  3. Taiwan, Fazhou Chapter: Master Lianying (蓮郢上師) will preside over an Amitayus Buddha Feast Offering.
  4. Master Shi Lianqi (釋蓮啓上師) will carry out an Amitayus Buddha Homa.
  5. Master Shi Lianqin (釋蓮勤上師) will carry out an Amitayus Buddha Homa at 2pm.

Feb. 7, 2021 (Dec. 26 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Taiwan, Fuyou Temple (福佑雷藏寺): Master Shi Lianzhen (釋蓮真上師), will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.

Feb. 9, 2021 (Dec. 28 of the lunar calendar)
  1. USA, True Buddha Diamond Temple of New York (金剛雷藏寺): Master Shi Lianzhe (釋蓮者上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa at 2:00PM.

Feb. 14, 2021 (Jan. 3 of the lunar calendar)
  1. Hong Kong, CCT Buddhist Society (澄淨堂): Master Shi Liancheng (釋蓮澄上師) will perform an Amitayus Buddha Homa.

Translated by TBTTs
Translator: Angeline Oh
Editors: Henry Wolf and DJ Chang

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