Zhong Guan Celebrity Lecture 2

Joint YouTube Webcast of True Buddha School Online University and Zhong Guan Chapter
【Zhong Guan Celebrity Lecture 2】

Edu-Ac #20200027
Exciting news! True Buddha School Online University and Zhong Guan Chapter will jointly host a live Celebrity Lecture! Featured speaker Prof. Chu Shih-I will give a lecture on Buddhadharma and Modern Science.

Buddhadharma vs. Science ~ Which field claims pioneering intelligence???

True Buddha School Online University and Zhong Guan Chapter will host their first joint live Celebrity Lecture. We are honored that Prof. Chu Shih-I, who has been professionally engaged in advanced scientific research for more than 50 years, will share what he has learned in his lecture “Buddhadharma and Modern Science - Buddhadharma is Actually More Scientific Than You Think. We warmly welcome all Dharma spreading personnel, disciples, devotees, and everyone else to spread the news and participate in this fascinating and cutting edge lecture.

Topic: Buddhadharma and Modern Science - Buddhadharma is Actually More Scientific Than You Think
Featured Lecturer: Prof. Chu Shih-I
Date/Time: Nov. 28 (Sat.) 2:00~5:00PM (Taiwan date and time)

Lecture participation options:
  1. On-site
    Location: Zhong Guan Healthy Land for Compassionate and Venerable Practitioners.
    (B1, No. 69, Section 2, Chongqing North Road, Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC)
    Dedicated registration phone no.: 02-2550-8599
    Contact: Dharma sister Huang Jinzhu (黃錦珠師姐)
    Note: Due to COVID-19 safety measures, the lecture will adhere to the Real Name System, and will be accepting seminar registrations beginning today.
  2. Via live webcast
    ▲Through Zhong Guan’s website
    ▲Through Zhong Guan’s YouTube Channel
    ▲Through True Buddha School Online University’s Global Online Group Practice YouTube Channel
    Note: Registration is not required for live webcast participants.

《Lecture Content Introduction》
  1. Introductory Remarks.
  2. How well-known contemporary scientists view Buddhism.
  3. How Living Buddha Lian-sheng views contemporary science and Vajrayana cultivation.
  4. Introduction to concepts of quantum mechanics.
  5. Comparative exploration of the Avatamsaka Sutra, the theory of relativity, and cosmology.
  6. Comparative exploration of the Heart Sutra, the Vajra Sutra, and quantum mechanics
  7. Conclusion

《Opening Remarks》
For many ages, in the name of science, mankind has been exploring this familiar as well as strange world. Scientific development is like reaching the peak of a mountain; the ultimate truth of the universe is at the mountain top. Those who believe science and Buddhism have little in common may not know that 2,500 years ago, the Buddha already explained the modern theory of quantum mechanics with “existence emerges from emptiness”. Furthermore, contemporary physics is able to interpret the meaning of this passage from the Heart Sutra, “form is emptiness and emptiness is form”. It turns out that, in essence, Buddhadharma and science are closely related and in harmony with each other. The Buddha has already reached the mountain top, and is waiting for science to discover the ultimate truth.

What kind of marvelous sparks will Buddhadharma and science ignite? Let’s let Prof. Chu Shih-I, a scientist with a Buddhist mind, take you through it.

Lecture Schedule: (Taiwan time)
  • Part 1: 2:00-3:00 PM
  • Afternoon tea break 20 min.
  • Part 2: 3:30-4:40 PM
  • Q&A and interaction: 4:40~5:00 PM

Translated by TBTTs
Translator: Henry Wolf
Editor: DJ Chang

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