His Holiness Grand Master Living Buddha Lian Sheng will preside over personally the Kalachakra Cerem

Due to the sincere plead from the disciples of Singapore to the Founder of True Buddha School, H.H. Grandmaster Sheng-Yen Lu for the Kalachakra Teaching, H.H. Living Buddha Lian Sheng will preside over the Kalachakra Ceremony in Singapore on the 13th of December, 2008. He will also bestow the following special empowerments: Kalachakra Nine Stages of Meditation (時輪金剛禪定九次第法) ,Seven Kalachakra Empowerment (時輪金剛七大灌頂), Kalachakra True Vajrakila Empowerment (時輪金剛真實金剛橛法) ,Kalachakra Shield Protection Practice (時輪金剛金剛盾牌法) ,True Buddha Smoke Offering Practice (真佛煙供法) ,Refuge Empowerment.

Wishing everyone to cherish this limited and auspicious occasion; attending this ceremony enthusiastically; receive the joy of Dharma Teaching; and bathe in the kindness and Mercy of the Buddha.
If you have any questions, please inquire directly with the Host Temple.

Host Temple:Yuan Zheng Tang Of True Buddha School (真佛宗圓證堂)
Assistant Temples:Lei Zang Si(Singapore)(雷藏寺(新加坡))、True Buddha Shi Cheng Temple(獅城雷藏寺)、Yuan Xue Lei Zang Temple(圓學雷藏寺)、Lotus Light Charity Society(Singapore)(華光功德會(新加坡))
Yuan Zheng Tang Of True Buddha School (真佛宗圓證堂)
Tel:(65)684-61806 Fax:(65)674-99368
Web site:http://www.yuanzhengtang.org
Place of Ceremony:Singapore Expo Hall (2-6)
Address:1 Expo Drive (Hall 2,3,4,5 & 6) Singapore 486150
Time of Ceremony:2008/12/13(Saturday)Starts 1:00PM
Appreciation banquet :2008/12/14(Sunday)Starts 11:00AM星期日)上午十一時正入席

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