For 39 years, your vow stands true
Guiding lost souls across continents wide
Your Compassion, like rain, nurtures all beings
Your wisdom, a beacon through drifting tides, is a ferry across the boundless Dharma sea.
Your vow to spread the truth never falters
A million disciples in joy united
With deepest reverence
We pray that you will stay
Today, marks the 39th anniversary of the ordination of Root Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng. With hearts filled with gratitude and reverence, True Buddha disciples joyfully celebrate this auspicious occasion!
39 years ago, you made the supreme bodhi vow, renouncing worldly life to embark on the noble path of Dharma propagation. Since then, your boundless compassion has spread across the world, guiding countless suffering beings out of confusion into the light. Your compassionate embrace, wise teachings, and selfless dedication have forged profound Dharma connections, allowing us to draw close to Buddhadharma and walk the path of liberation.
Grandmaster, we deeply understand that your every action is for the benefit of sentient beings, and that your every teaching nourishes our hearts with the nectar of compassion. On this sacred day, we vow to follow your guidance, cultivate diligently, practice virtue at all times, and spread the Dharma to even greater horizons, so that more and more sentient beings may find liberation and bathe in the grace of the buddha.
With utmost reverence, we sincerely pray:
May our Grandmaster be blessed with health and longevity, may you remain in this world for a long time, may the Dharma wheel turn ceaselessly, and may the propagation of the Dharma be unhindered!