Debut Transmission of the Mantra of the Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases on Jan. 26, 2020

Debut Transmission of the Mantra of the Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases on Jan. 26, 2020

【Living Buddha Lian-sheng Instructs Mantra Recitation of Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases for the Removal and Prevention of Contagious Disease】

Root Lineage Guru Dharma King Living Buddha Lian-sheng instructs mantra recitation of Tara Who Saves from Contagious Disease to prevent one from being harmed by contagious diseases and eradicate all contagious disease and pestilence.

After paying homage to the buddhas at the temple on Jan. 23, 2020, Grandmaster Living Buddha Lian-sheng compassionately stated that Green Tara has instructed as follows: Of the 21 Taras, there is one Tara who can save from communicable diseases. One can recite her mantra.

''Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases'' is the 20th of the 21 Taras. She saves from contagious diseases.

Today, Root Lineage Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng instructed and transmitted the Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases Mantra along with other related information, organized and simplified as follows:

21 Taras
20. Saving from Contagious Diseases Tara
Homage to Arya Tara whose eyes, the sun and moon,
Radiate with pure brilliant light
Uttering HARA twice and TUTTARA
Dispels extremely fearful plagues.

Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases Mantra:
''Om Tara Tuttara Tura Namo Hara Hera Hom Hara Soha.''

Merit of Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases: To protect one from infection by contagious diseases. Eradication of all pestilence and contagious diseases.

Image of Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases: Visualize that Tara's body is red and yellow in color. Her right hand forms the Wish-fulfilling Mudra. Her left hand holds a lotus with a treasure vase on top. The vase is full of deathless nectar which eradicates diseases. Tara's two eyes are like the sun and the moon, and emit brilliant light.

Dedicate the merit of the mantra recitation of the Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases as a prayer to eradicate pestilence and contagious diseases.

One must receive empowerment prior to reciting the mantra of the Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases. (One may request the remote empowerment via a letter or fax to the True Buddha Foundation.)

If one is in the epidemic area and urgently needs to recite the mantra, one may first pray sincerely. One may then begin to recite this mantra, and subsequently request the bestowal of remote empowerment.

Best Regards
True Buddha Foundation
Jan. 23, 2020

# Grandmaster personally recites this mantra

As Dharma King Lian-sheng is extremely concerned about this contagious disease, on Sun., Jan. 26, 2020, at the grand Jade Pond Golden Mother Homa Ceremony, he will debut transmission of the mantra of the Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases and bestow empowerment for the recitation of the mantra.

The True Buddha Foundation encourages all cultivation venues and disciples to begin reciting the mantra of the Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases for one's own sake and for the sake of others. The True Buddha School recites not only for our own protection from disease, but also prays for the great compassion of Tara Who Saves from Contagious Diseases to eradicate all contagious diseases and pestilence.

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