【The Fifth Course of True Buddha School Online University, Etiquette of Life, Exploring the Practical Application of the True Buddha Tantric Dharma in Funeral Settings Part 1】
Course Outline:
How the True Buddha Tantric Dharma can make a funeral service more perfect.
Praying to Root Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng for deliverance of the deceased to the pure land.
Recitation to help the deceased during the Eight Golden Hours.
What are the special features of altar arrangement in the True Buddha School.
Performing The Seven Memorial Services.
Stay tuned for a detailed explanation by Instructor Wu Zizai!
Classroom Channels:
1. Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83886397505?pwd=RlpDK3lERk5KbzB1VDEyUlRaYmZiUT09
Zoom Id: 838 8639 7505
Password: 777
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2. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVERMeALCDV6OFdK5wbC-YQ
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3. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syltbsn
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Organizer: True Buddha School Online University