【The Fifth Course of True Buddha School Online University, Lesson 2, Selection and Placement Ritual of a Columbarium, of Chapter 6, Concerning Funerals】
Course Outline:
What is a columbarium?
How is the geographic orientation of a columbarium determined?
What benefit is there in placement in a columbarium?
What Feng Shui principles apply to a columbarium?
What is the ritual for placement in a columbarium?
What does Living Buddha Lian-sheng teach concerning placement in a columbarium?
Stay tuned for a detailed explanation by Instructor Wu Zizai!
Classroom Channels:
1. Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83886397505?pwd=RlpDK3lERk5KbzB1VDEyUlRaYmZiUT09
Zoom Id: 838 8639 7505
Password: 777
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2. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVERMeALCDV6OFdK5wbC-YQ
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3. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syltbsn
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Organizer: True Buddha School Online University