2019 Fall Ceremony

《LSCTT News 》
On August 24, 2019, True Buddha School Lineage Root Guru HH Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu will preside over a grand Jihai Year Amitabha Buddha Ceremony. Grandmaster will debut transmission and bestow empowerment for Milarepa Uncommon Principal Deity Practice. This extraordinary, rare, and unique Dharma opportunity has been organized by Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple (LSCTT). We welcome devotees from all over the world to actively participate in this ceremony, experience Dharma joy together, and bathe in Buddha's brilliance.

During the noon hour of July 21, Living Buddha Lian-sheng compassionately bestowed two precious lineage authenticating objects to LSCTT. These two precious objects, a clay statue of Vajrapani Bodhisattva and a clay statue of Vajravarahi, will be auctioned at the Fall Ceremony charity sale.

By way of introduction, these two precious dharma treasures were personally molded by the 17th Kanjurwa Khutughtu himself. The treasures were passed down from Kanjurwa Khutughtu to Vajra Master Thubten Dargye, who in turn passed them on to Grandmaster. Grandmaster takes enormous pride in these objects and regards them as great treasures.

On the afternoon of July 21, Living Buddha Lian-sheng presided over an Amoghapasa Homa Ceremony. During the ceremony, Grandmaster praised Patriarch Milarepa for his tremendous effort in spiritual cultivation and his great attainment. Milarepa cultivated diligently and endured extreme hardship in a lonely cave deep in the wilderness. His indefatigable effort in spiritual cultivation ultimately resulted in total realization and complete mastery of supernatural powers. Patriarch Milarepa's Song of Realization contains vital cultivation formulas.

Living Buddha Lian-sheng also announced that for the upcoming Jihai Year Amitabha Buddha Ceremony, the task of coordinating the registration of the primary supplicants for the ceremony has been assigned to the Sheng-yen Lu Foundation, http://www.sylfoundation.org/888-sponsor/. The primary supplicants will not only establish strong Dharma affinity with Milarepa, their generous donations are a virtuous deed of charity which benefits many others. The meritorious rewards earned by the primary supplicants of this ceremony are truly marvellous and extraordinary. During the ceremony, primary supplicants will receive a khata bearing the mantra of Milarepa and a Milarepa pendant as tokens of goodwill. All disciples and devotees are therefore warmly welcomed to register for the ceremony as primary supplicants.

Translated by True Buddha Translation Team
Translator: Lynn Ang
Editors: DJ Chang and Henry Wolf

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