2019 Autumn Educational Networking Workshop

Great News! The True Buddha School Autumn Educational Networking Workshop Will Be Held at Rainbow Temple USA!

*Online registration is currently underway for the Autumn Educational Networking Workshop!

As Grandmaster has compassionately instructed: ''Insight gained from texts along with the transmission of oral teachings, in addition to practice, meditation, and the actual cultivation of Tathagata wisdom, represents the true viewpoint and ideal of Grandmaster's approach to the study of Buddhadharma. School education is namely textual insight and oral transmission.'' By following the above instruction, True Buddha education realizes the teachings of Root Lineage Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng.

In Autumn 2019, the True Buddha Foundation (TBF) is holding the second Educational Networking Workshop for all levels of Dharma propagating personnel and the principals of cultivation venues. True Buddha School (TBS) teaching acharyas will lucidly explain the profound, brilliant, and fascinating maxims of Buddhadharma, establish the right view for students, advance the depth and width of Buddhology, and ultimately foster an elite Dharma propagating team. TBF enthusiastically welcomes senior reverends, reverends, Dharma Instructors, Dharma Assistants, and the principals of cultivation venues to jointly listen, contemplate, and cultivate diligently!

Online registration for the event begins today!

Contact: Reverend Liantung / Reverend Lianru E-mail: tbfeduworkshop@gmail.com
Date and Time: 8/26/2019 (Day 1) & 8/27/2019 (Day 2) 8:30 am~6:00 pm
Location: Rainbow Temple, 14310 476th Ave. SE., North Bend, WA 98045 U.S.A.

Monday, Aug. 26, 2019
Rules and Rituals Vajrayana Disciples Must Abide By to Honor and Respect the Root Guru - Fifty Stanzas on Guru Devotion (part 1) & (part 2)
Stages of True Buddha Tantric Dharma and Basic Considerations.
The Relationship Between Buddhadharma and Art; How is Buddhadharma Expressed Through Art?
Introduction to the Operation and Function of Tbboyeh.org by Zhou Huifang Esq.
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2019
Practice and Application of True Buddha Tantric Dharma: What is the best practice for returning to Maha Twin Lotus Ponds? How does one actually engage in this practice from the mind?
Using actual examples to explain in detail the proper deportment of Dharma propagating personnel. In a cultivation venue, how do Dharma propagating personnel put theory into actual practice?
Detailed Explanation and Actual Examples of Buddhist Reception Etiquette.
Supervisory Department-Operation of the TBS Dharma Propagating Personnel System.
Note: Please refer to TBF announcements published on the TBSN website for any changes or updates to the event or curriculum.

*Online Registration
Senior reverends, reverends, Dharma Instructors, Dharma Assistants, and principals of cultivation venues please follow this link to register: https://forms.gle/6CqEKA56LuNdZzcD7
Or, scan the QR code in the images below.

Translated by True Buddha Translation Team
Translator: Henry Wolf
Editor: DJ Chang

「一生一咒」800萬遍上師心咒活動,從今年師尊的佛誕日正式啟動,請參加者到TBSN官網以下鏈接登記資料: 每持滿十萬遍上師心咒者,宗委會將把名單呈給師尊加持。每持滿一百萬遍者,將列名護摩法會功德主,資料請師尊主壇護摩法會時下護摩爐。