- Sun & Moon - Kurukulle thangka
- Square outside round inside - Square table with a round arrangement within
- Mount Sumeru is in the center - shown as a five-wheel smoke-offering burner
- 4 directions - shown by four Kurukulle statues
- 7 oceans - represented by seven cups of water
- 7 gold mountains - represented by seven red lamps
- 4 continents - shown by Kurukulle cross scepters (the four continents are Purvavideha, Godhanya, Jambudvipa, Uttavakuru)
- 8 small continents - represented by eight red candles (flower shaped candles are even better) or paper peach blossoms (each main continent is affiliated with two small continents)
- Peach blossom arrows - The small arrows are arrows made from peach blossoms. Place the arrows in between the layers of the seven gold mountains and seven oceans. Lay them out in a circle with arrows pointing out as if they are shooting out continuously. The number of arrows can be any multiples of seven, such as 49, up to 108.
- Ingredients for the smoke offering to be burned in the burner are the same as the smoke offering we have been using with one exception. That is you have to add 108 peach blossoms and bake them into powder so that you can spread the powder in the burner. This is the key ingredient! It requires 108 peach blossoms. When the smoke emerges, it will not flow in just one direction but will flow up, down, and in the eight directions; these constitute the ''''ten-direction arrow-shooting.''''
- Offerings - Place them all around the mandala.
An empowerment must be received from Living Buddha Lian-sheng or an authorized True Buddha School master before engaging in this particular sadhana.